What is OSHARE?
執筆:Barber Etsuko (St.Mark's School of Texas)
話題/目標:Clothing and Fashion、Communication、Comparison、ICT Literacy、Self, Family, and Friends、Shopping
The learners will read an article that Japanese high school students are discussing about their attitudes towards fashion. After reading the text, the learners will write and share their questions, preferences and opinions about fashion within the group.
目 標 | Learners will begin to enjoy reading Japanese text. |
対 象 | Senior High School Students |
日本語レベル | Adventures in Japanese III or IV |
What to prepare
Click Nippon Website "High School Real Talk: Fashion Boosts Our Spirits!"Procedure
Activity 1:Reading the profiles:
Before you read the profiles, write your own profile using おしゃれin Japanese. (three sentences)
Activity 2
The four students are talking about the following topics. Before you read write what would you say under those topics.
- Q1 洋服は誰と、どこに買いに行くことが多い?
- Q2 毎月どれぐらい洋服にお金を使う? そのお金はお小遣い?
- Q3 おしゃれをするときに大事なこと、気をつけてることは何?
- Q4 おしゃれは何のためだと思う?
- Q5 どういう人がおしゃれな人だと思う? それから、どんな人になりたい?
Activity 3
Let's read 「高校生リアルトーク:おしゃれをすると気分が上がる!」. If you can not read Kanji or do not understand the meaning of words, use an online dictionary tool. Check your comprehension by answering the following questions:
- After reading the profiles:
4人の中で、一番おしゃれな人は誰だと思いますか? なぜですか?
Who is the most fashion conscious person? Why you think so? - After reading Q1.
Why does Sach not go shopping with her mother?
What did Yuka say before going shopping with her friend?
Why does Hanako like to go shopping with her mother?
Why Kaedo like to buy clothes on the internet? - After reading Q2.
How much money do the spend on clothes?
What kind of part time jobs do they have?
What do you think of the four students' money spending habits? - After reading Q3.
In order to make her legs look longer, what does Yuka do?
What kind of clothes do you think fit you? - After reading Q4.
Why does Yuka like to be fashionable?
Who likes to receive complements on her clothes?
(c)はなこさんは、おしゃれじゃない人を見たときに、自分は何を磨かなきゃと 思うのですか?
When Hanako sees a person who does not care about his/her looks, what does she feel they need to do to polish or improve their appearance?
What does Kaede say about her personality? - After reading Q5.
Do you share ideas about fashion with any of the students?
Activity 4
Please share your ideas within your group.
Activity 5.
Let's write an essay about a person who is おしゃれな人around you.
Chose one person who you think おしゃれな人. Describe at least three reasons in details why you think so.
Ryugakusei no tameno Dokkai Training, Ishiguro, Bonjinsha
The Reading Tutor Web Dictionary http://chuta.jp