
【Click Nippon News】Transforming the value of the everyday through art

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【Click Nippon News】Transforming the value of the everyday through art


Click Nippon News
December 16, 2016

【1】Erasing to Create: Pictures into Sculptures

【2】Suggested class activities


【1】Erasing to Create: Pictures into Sculptures

New article in 《My Way Your Way》

Three-dimensional figures appearing from two dimensional pictures. Irie Saya erases a part of a picture and recreates the erased part as a sculpture made with the residue of the erasing. Irie says that a transformation of value is possible with eraser-residue art.

■ The essence of this article

• Whether you erase the picture painted on a costly hanging scroll or a photo printed on an advertising flyer, either can be made into a three-dimensional art
work from the eraser dust or residue.

• When a picture that is printed on paper is erased and a work of art made from the eraser dust, something that had a value of 10 yen can sometimes acquire the value of 10,000 yen. Its value, then, can be transformed.

• We ought to think about who decides the value of things.

【2】Suggested class activities

a) Irie wanted to combine two-dimensional and three-dimensional art for her graduation project. What kind of materials did she try first?

b) How did Irie get the idea of using eraser dust as clay to make figures?

c) Explain how Irie came to the idea of creating a figure made from the picture on a bank note? What concept did she express?

d) Irie studied three-dimensional art in university, and she changed her major to modern art in graduate school. Why did she change her major?

e) Name the artist who had a strong influence on Irie when she was in graduate school.

f) What kind of art work was she creating then? What did she want to express?

g) What did you learn about Irie's sculpture of the bodhisattva Kannon?

h) Irie says that creating art with an eraser involves first destroying something of value. What does she mean by this? Explain using some examples.

i) What does Irie find challenging about eraser-residue art?

j) What kind of progress did Irie make as an artist after her work was selected at shiseido art egg?

k) Explain her future goal. What kind of concept does Irie want to realize?

l) Mock auction: Choose one of Irie's art works for a mock auction. Students individually write down how much she/he would prepared to pay for that art work including their reasons. The student's budget is 1 million yen.
Who gave the highest price? Who gave the lowest price? Ask the two students to share the reasons for their bids in class and discuss how their sense of value is reflected in the price they decided on.

m) Take a look at the art works made from bank notes.


If you were offered either the bank note to use as money or Irie's art work, which one would you choose? Explain the reason for your choice.

☆ For Irie Saya's works, see the following sites:



《My Way Your Way》コーナーの新着記事








a) 卒業作品をつくるときに、二次元から三次元のものをつくりたいと思い、初めはどんな素材を試しましたか。

b) けしごむを使い始めたきっかけは何ですか。

c) 紙幣の作品はどんな発想から生まれましたか。どのようなコンセプトですか。

d) 入江さんは、大学では立体造形、大学院では現代美術を専攻しましたが、立体造形から現代美術に専攻を変えたのはなぜですか。

e) 大学院時代に強い影響を受けたのは、何というアーティストですか。

f) その頃、どんな作品を作っていましたか。それは何を表現したかったのですか。

g) 掛け軸の観音菩薩という作品について、この記事からわかることをリストしてください。

h) 消しごむかすで作品をつくる行為には、価値を破壊するという意味もある、と言っていますが、それはどういうことですか。例を使ってわかりやすく説明してください。

i) 消しかすアートで難しいのはどんなことですか。

j) 2012年のshiseido art eggに入選したことによって、どんな進展がありましたか。

k) 今後、どんなことをやりたいと言っていますか。それはどんなコンセプトの実現ですか。

l) 模擬オークション:クラスで入江さんの作品を一つ選んで、その作品に一人ひとりが値段を付けてみましょう。一人一人の予算は100万円です。そして、その値段を付けた理由を書いてください。

m) お札の作品を見てください。


もし、お札か、作品か、(例 使える千円札か、ノグチダストの作品)どちらかをもらえるとしたら、どちらがいいですか。どうして、そちらを選んだか、その理由をグループで話し合ってください。





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