
Cleaning up the classroom

When all the classes for the day are over, we have afternoon homeroom. After that, we go home, or go straight to our club gatherings, or if you are on duty for clean up, you have to stay and do it. We first pull the desks and chairs to the back of the room and then sweep the classroom floor. We all put our chairs on the desks before leaving the room. The class is divided into teams that take turns with clean-up duty. Duty comes around about twice a month. Besides our classroom we also clean the chemistry room and the toilets. We're eager to get this work out of the way, so we finish it fast, in about 15 minutes.


クラス、ホームルーム Class, homeroom
班、日直、係、当番 groups, class day-leaders, person in charge, person on duty
掃除 cleaning      

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