What I do for relaxation |
【上段】ぼくの部屋。テーブルの上にあるのは、食虫植物のハエトリグサとアロマオイルです。母の影響で、ぼくもいつのまにかアロマテラピーが好きになっていました。アロマテラピーでいいにおいをかいでいると、不思議と心が落ちつきます。何も考えたくないときは、電子ピアノでMr. Childrenの曲を弾いたりします。
【下段】音楽を聴くのが好きです。勉強のあいまなど、リラックスしたいときに音楽を聴きます。よく聴くのは、Mr. Childrenやスピッツ、Zard、酒井法子です。
[Top] This is my room. On the table is a carnivorous plant that eats flies and the aroma censer. Influenced by my mother, I got interested in aroma therapy. The faint fragrance emitted when you light the burner is curiously relaxing. When I'm tired of thinking, I sometimes play Mr. Child-ren's songs on the electronic piano.
[Center] I read fiction and books about wild birds, animals, and plants. I read maybe two or three books a month. One of my favorite authors is Akagawa Jiro, a famous Japanese mystery writer.
[Bottom] I like listening to music. In between stints of studying, and when I need to relax, I listen to music. Some of my favorites are Mr. Children, Spitz, Zard, and Sakai Noriko.