No. tjf_day1a01b
A Day in the Life
Activity 1: Sequential Order of Events

Date: Country: Author (copyright): Themes:
2001/10 n/a The Japan Forum
A Day in the Life
Students study the "day-in-the-life photographs" of Kojiro and think about the sequence of events. Using a game format based on Q&A in Japanese about the photographs, students sequentially order the photographs.

Presumed class profile
Level of Japanese-language Japanese 2, 3, 4
Grades and Ages Grade 10-12, Age 15-17, Secondary
Optimal number of students 10-20
Text book used n/a
Required language skills Must be able to read hiragana, katakana, and some beginning kanji. Should be familiar with basic verbs to describe daily activities and with expressions to describe time and place. (If the Japanese level of the students is not adequate to perform the tasks in this activity in Japanese, English should also be used to ensure understanding and effective observation.)
Others Assumes completion of the Portraits of Seven Students lesson plan and, whenever possible, the Family lesson plan.

Points to be studied
Language objectives
Function Structure Vocabulary words/phrases
Describe a person's daily routine.
State when an activity takes place.
State where an activity takes place.
Cultural objectives
Target Process Aim
Daily routine of Kojiro (Practices) Exposure, observation and discovery, examination To observe and learn Kojiro's daily activities. To think about daily activities and their order, in general.

Activity type
Activity type Mode Oral/written Who
Narrative and description Interpretive, Presentational Oral Whole Class

From the Deai photo sheets From the Deai text booklet Other materials
YK-D01〜YK-D20 n/a Note #1

Duration 45 minutes (First in unit of four classes)