Izena was so different from my usual surroundings which made my "adventure" more adventurous. My new daily routine and the people I met definitely contributed to my memorable trip. Instead of waking up to my mother pounding on my bedroom door to wake up, I awoke to the island's alarm clock. Rather than rushing to school I took my time preparing for a day's worth of research. Then after the day was over instead of doing my school work, I unwinded with other participants. I loved this schedule it was simple and completely opposite of my usual, hectic schedule in America. But the most memorable thing would have to be the relationships I developed with everyone apart of Deai. While developing these relationships the best and humorous part of getting to know the other participants was overcoming the language barrier. It was so hilarious using body language to get our point across to another. Also everyone had something unique to bring to the table. Whether it was special talents, personality, or language, everyone had an unique trait to them which I loved. I learned a lot from these simple moments and that made them most memorable to me.
My homestay experience was an absolute blast. Although it was only Maya's
mother, Maya, and I, it was still a great experience. Actually I gained
more from the fact that it was only the three of us. Since it was just the
three of us I was able to connect with both of them on a more personal ground;
rather than staying with a larger family and not having the same one on
one time with each family member.
The most memorable moments would have
to be the time with Maya and her mother. Maya has such strong personality
and that made my homestay so much fun. I especially enjoyed our little talks
at night, singing to Orange Range, and simply joking around. I had so much
fun learning from and laughing at our differences. Maya's mother also had
strong personality; so strong she almost reminded me of my own mother. She
was very nice and generous to me. I am very thankful to the Maya's family
for allowing me to stay with them. The experience allowed me to see how
Japanese students lived on a daily basis and have a chance to get acquainted
with the Maya's family.
The school day overall was memorable but my favorite moment of the school day was when the class thought the TJF staff was my father. I found it very humorous. That little comment broke the ice with a lot of the other students and after that I felt more comfortable with the class. Because I became more comfortable I was able to be more open with the other students. I remember everyone falling asleep in class and found it humorous so after class I remember joking around with one of Maya's classmates and jokingly asked why he slept so much. I also managed to get a lot of footage with Maya's classmates. The day was a nice experience.
This was especially memorable because it was my first time at Disneyland.
At first I could not believe everyone wanted to go with the plan and then
it turned out that everyone did want to go. I was so happy that everyone
wanted to take a two hour train to Disneyland just to see each other. So
after school everyone took a train to the resort. By the time everyone had
arrived it was already eight o'clock and the resort closes at ten o'clock
but that didn't matter to much of us. It was just fun to be in the company
of everyone.
Although I highlight of the night would
have to be going on the rides and watching the fireworks and Christmas parade.
I was astonished by the view. My first time to see Disneyland and everything
was in Christmas theme. I absolutely love Christmas which also made being
there with everyone fun. Overall I was glad I went with everyone. If not
for them I probably would have never gone to Disneyland so THANKS EVERYONE!
I enjoyed working with Kin-chan, Mickey, Vicki, Kosoo, Yoshida-san, and
Maya a lot. I liked the different opinions and perspectives everyone had
to present. Our group almost had too many ideas but that was a good problem
to have. As a group I thought we were strong because we complimented each
other and took all ideas to consideration. While making decisions we took
votes and if the voting did not work we suggested other ideas to balance
the problem. Also everyone took responsibility for specific parts of the
project. For example Mickey, Maya, and Yoshida-san all worked together to
write a script, Kin-chan and I were more involved with the construction
of the webpage, Vicki and I were also photographers, and everyone took part
in the interviews so the group as a whole had a general understanding of
the material. I thought we were very organized and effective as a group
because we had a focus point and was very interested in the topic.
Another factor that really contributed
to our group was having Yoshida-san and a TJF staff as helpers. Throughout
the project they constantly gave thoughtful constructive criticism. Their
comments helped a lot in our thought process as a group. Whether giving
us simple pointers on camera angles to phrasing sentences they were a great
help and we were very thankful. But most of all I think we worked great
as a group because we were all interested in out topic and wanted to make
the most of it. So big pats on the back everyone!
Although I did not work with the other
participants in a group I was able to observe them. My overall impression
of everyone which includes the staff members, and all participants, includes
traits such as being outgoing, responsible, and has strong personality.
Without being outgoing I do not think the participants could achieve winning
this trip and without being outgoing I do not think our Deai staff could
put together such a great ten day program. In addition responsibility allowed
us to finish these projects. Lastly without such great, strong personalities
our projects would be boring and incomplete. The impression that Deai left
on me was only a positive and sentimental one.
The only obstacle I encountered during the project was the language barrier. The fact that the common language was Japanese contributed to the poor verbal communication. But another factor was the different accents from one English-speaker to other English-speaker with regards to slang also. The combination of all three components made verbal communication very difficult. So instead we learned to use body language, making fools of ourselves, and using sound-effects to get our points across. Referring to before, this perhaps was one of my favorite memories from the trip and only allowed us to appreciate language more.
The most enjoyable, fun, and memorable part of the group project would
have to be the interviews with Toshikazu-san, Shun'ichi, and Teru. At first
everything was just straight forward but after a while everybody relaxed
and what seemed to be work wasn't work anymore. My group did not feel as
if it was our job to get answers but instead we felt like friends of the
During this time we got a sneak peek
of how these three people lived on a daily basis and got to know their real
personalities. There was one point where the three interviewees were reminiscing
about the old days when Shun'ichi, Teru, and Koshin were still teenagers.
To my surprise they got so caught up in it that Toshikazu dug up pictures!
I was so much fun just laughing and hearing about their lives. I'm glad
we interviewed them and based our topic on MUSIC.
Since I started studying Japanese twelve years ago I have never been to
Japan until this project. I am glad that I did not go to Japan before the
Deai project because if I had gone to Japan beforehand the experience would
not have affected me as much. So yes I do agree that this experience has
changed me. Before this I never knew how much Japanese I knew and going
to Japan helped me realize I wanted to further my studies in the future.
Perhaps I would even consider studying abroad or even living in Japan in
the future. My reasoning comes from my experience in Toyko. I absolutely
love the city. To me it was another New York City with the exception that
it was much cleaner and not as ghetto. It was so beautiful and I could only
imagine to live in such a beautiful place.
Among that I also gained a lot of knowledge
about other cultures from the diversity our Deai group had. From that knowledge
I only grew more open-minded. But the people I met changed me the most.
I can not explain how in ten days I became so attached to the people I had
just met. I did not expect to become attached to anyone but only to become
a close friend with time, not in ten days. I guess the emotions were a bit
overwhelming in the end because I did not expect them; but I would not have
exchanged them for the world.
I think I can make use of my experiences in the Deai project in my daily life. I still keep in touch with all the participants and occasionally talk to them on instant messenger. Again because Japanese is the common language I still practice Japanese with native speakers. I can also apply them daily in my Japanese class. When we have class discussions my teacher often asks for all opinions and I always apply my experiences to my thoughts. In the future I hope to apply them in college and receive a degree in Japanese language.
I just want to thank The Japan Forum Staff for making this opportunity
possible for its participants. I will never be able to compare this experience
to anything else because it truly was an one of a kind project. This project
has had a positive influence on my life and I am very grateful for the opportunity.
I enjoyed the company of everyone and hope to see all of you in five years
for our Deai Okinawa Cafe Reunion!
Thank you again.
이제나는 나의 일상 생활과 떨어져 있는, 그야말로 모험이라는 생각이 들었습니다. 이제나에서 매일 만난 사람들은, 지금도 내 마음 속에 남아 있어요, 아침은 엄마가 내 방을 노크하는 소리 대신에, 이제나섬의 아침 음악으로 눈을 뜨고, 학교를 서두르는 대신에 취재 준비를 했습니다. 밤에는 숙제가 아닌, 다른 참가자들과 담소를 나누며 쉬었습니다. 이런 날들의 연속이었지만, 분주한 미국에서의 일상과는 전혀 틀려서인지, 아주 재미있었어요,가장 기억에 남는 것은, 다른 참가자들과 친구가 된 것입니다. 모두와 친해지는 과정에서 가장 즐거웠던 것은, 역시 말의 장벽을 넘은 것이라고 생각합니다. 제스처를 사용하여 무언가 전하려 할 때는 여간 소란이 아니었다니까요. 그리고, 참가자 한사람 한사람이 특기라든지, 성품이라든지, 언어라든지, 특별한 무언가를 가지고 있다는 점에 대단함을 느꼈습니다. 짧게나마 그들과 지낸 경험 속에서 많은 것을 배웠습니다.
홈스테이는 큰 경험이었습니다. 홈스테이 동안, 마야, 마야의 어머니, 나 3명뿐이었지만그게 오히려 거리를
좁힐수 있었다는 생각이 듭니다. 대가족이라 각자 가족과 천천히 지낼 여유가 없는것 보다 좋았다고 생각해요.
마야는 아주 개성적이어서,
밤에 수다를 떨기도 하고, 오렌지렌지의 노래를 부르기도 하면서, 서로 마구 장난쳤던 게 무척 재미있었어요. 마야의 어머니도 개성이
강한 분으로, 문득 우리 엄마를 떠올렸답니다. 나에게도 아주 다정하게 대해 주셔서, 무척 감사드립니다. 마야의 가족을 알게 되고,
또 일본 고교생들의 일상생활을 알게 되고, 홈스테이를 경험할수 있어서 아주 좋았습니다.
전체적으로 아주 좋은 추억이 되었는데, 가장 재미있었던 것은, 학생들이 저를 학교까지 데려다 준 TJF스탭을 우리 아버지라고 생각했던 거예요. 무척 이상했어요. 그게 계기가 되어 다들 친해질 수 있었다고 봅니다. 저도 긴장을 풀수 있어서, 학생들과 거리낌 없이 이야기를 나눌 수 있었습니다. 수업중에 자는 것이 너무 이상해서, 수업이 끝난 후 “왜 그렇게 잠이 오는 거야?”하면서, 마야의 친구를 놀리기도 했습니다. 또 마야의 반 친구들을 비디오에 많이 담기도 했어요. 아주 좋은 경험이었습니다.
디즈니랜드는 처음 가 보았기 때문에, 아주 기억에 남습니다. 홈스테이 중인데도 불구하고, 단지 서로를 만나기
위해 학교가 끝나고 전철을 2시간이나 타고 다들 모였다는 것 자체가 너무 기뻤습니다. 전원이 모인 것은 8시가 지나서였기 때문에,
폐장까지 2시간 밖에 없었지만, 다들 아랑곳하지 않았습니다. 모두 함께 지낼수 있다는 것만으로 즐거웠으니까요.
놀이기구를 타기도 하고, 불꽃놀이와 크리스마스 퍼레이드를 본 것이 최고였어요. 너무나 예뻐서 깜짝 놀랐어요. 처음 가 본 디즈니랜드는
크리스마스 색으로 단장되어 아주 즐거웠답니다. 다 함께 갈 수 있어 더욱 즐거웠구요. 여러분, 고마워요!
김짱, 미키, 비키, 고수, 요시다씨, 마야와 함께한 작업은 즐거웠습니다. 모두 다른 의견과 생각을 가지고 있었던 점이, 좋았습니다.
때론 아이디어가 넘쳐나서 비명을 지를 정도였어요. 모두, 다른 사람의 아이디어를 존중해가며 받아들이려 한 점은, 그룹의 큰 장점이었다고
생각합니다. 무엇인가 결정할 때는 다수결로 정하고, 그래도 해결이 되지 않을 때는 타협안을 내어 해결했습니다. 또, 역할을 분담하여,
멤버 한사람 한사람이 자신의 일을 책임지고 완수했습니다. 미키, 마야, 요시다씨는 발표 원고를 만들고, 김짱과 저는 주로 웹 페이지
제작에 관여했습니다. 또 저는 비키와 사진촬영을 담당하기도 했습니다. 그리고 인터뷰는 전원 함께 참여함으로서, 전체상을 파악하도록
했습니다. 무엇보다, 음악이라는 테마가 멤버 전원에게 있어 관심 분야였기 때문에, 좋은 것을 만들고 싶다는 마음이 강하여, 결과적으로
그룹의 강점을 발휘할수 있었다는 생각이 듭니다. 다 함께 열심히 노력했다고 생각합니다.
또한, 튜터인 요시다씨, TJF스탭의 존재도 뺄수 없습니다. 프로젝트를 통해, 건설적인 코멘트를 해 주었기에, 우리들은 보다 깊은
사고를 파헤쳐 낼 수 있었습니다. 카메라 각도에서부터 문장 구성에 이르기까지, 두사람의 많은 조언에 깊히 감사드립니
그룹 멤버 이외의 참가자, 그리고 스탭분들과는 직접 작업은 하지 않았지만, 적극적이고, 책임감이 강하며, 개성적인 사람들이라는
인상를 받았습니다. 확실히, 이런 멋진 프로젝트를 기획하고, 참가한다는 것은, 적극적인 사람만이 가능한 것이겠지요. 작업을 완성하기
위해서도 책임감이 필요했다고 생각합니다. 그리고, 그 정도 개성 강한 사람들이 아니면, 이 프로젝트는 재미없고 완전하지 못한 것이
되었을 겁니다. 이번 프로젝트를 떠올리면, 즐겁고, 그리운 기분에 빠져든답니다.
이 프로젝트를 통해 유일하게 큰 벽으로 느낀 문제는 언어의 장벽이었습니다. 공통언어가 일본어였기 때문에, 언어를 통한 의사소통이 곤란했습니다. 언어를 사용하는 대신에 제스처를 사용하거나, 의성어, 의태어 등을 사용하기도 했으며, 때로는 서로에게 장난을 걸면서 의사 소통을 해 보려 했습니다. 지금 생각하면, 이런 의사소통의 경험이 즐거운 추억이 되었습니다. 언어에 대한 감사하는 마음을 몸소 느낄 수 있는 기회였어요.
그룹 활동 중 가장 즐겁고, 기억에 남은 것은, 토시카즈씨, 슌이치, 텔에게 인터뷰한 것입니다. 처음에는 진지한 느낌이었지만, 점점
긴장이 풀리면서 취재라는 것을 잊어버릴 정도였어요. 인터뷰라기보다, 친구와 이야기하는 느낌이었습니다.
이야기를 나누다보니, 3명의 평소 생활과 됨됨이가 느껴졌습니다. 슌이치, 텔, 고신 이 10대였을 때의 추억담으로 꽃을 피우자, 토시카즈씨가
옛날 사진까지 들고 나와 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 그들의 이야기를 듣는 것은 아주 재미있었습니다. 음악을 테마로 하기를 정말 잘 했다는 생각이
이번 프로젝트는, 12년 전에 일본어를 배우기 시작한 후 첫 일본 방문이었습니다. 처음이 아니었더라면, 이렇게까지 감동할수 없었다고 생각하기에, 이번이 첫 방문인 것이 정말 다행이라는 생각이 듭니다. 이번 경험으로 저는 확실히 변했습니다. 이전은 자신의 일본어 실력에 대해 전혀 몰랐지만, 이번에 일본에 와 보고난 후, 더욱 깊히 공부하고 싶다는 마음이 들었습니다. 일본으로 유학을 하거나, 살아보고 싶다는 생각까지 하고 있지요. 특히, 동경이 무척 마음에 들었기에 그렇게 생각했답니다. 치안이 좋아지고 깨끗한 뉴욕 같은 인상이었습니다.
여러 나라 참가자를 통해, 다른 문화에 대해서도 배웠습니다. 지금까지에 비해 다른 사람과 문화를 받아들이려는 자세가 되었다는 생각이 듭니다. 그러나, 저를 가장 변하게 한것은 새롭게 만난 사람들입니다. 10일 전까지도 몰랐던 사람들과, 어쩌면 이렇게 친해질수 있을까, 제 자신도 설명하기 힘들었어요. 예상치 못한 감정에, 나중에는 제 자신도 어떻게 해야할지 모를 정도였답니다. 무엇보다 소중한 감정이라 할 수 있겠지요.
하루하루의 생활에 활용할 수 있다고 생각합니다. 지금도 참가자 전원 연락을 주고받고 있으며, 메신저로 이야기를 나누는 경우도 있습니다. 일본어로 주고받기 때문에 일본어 공부에도 도움이 됩니다. 일본어 수업에서도, 의견 교환시에는 제 경험을 살려 생각을 정리할수 있게 되었습니다. 앞으로 대학에서 일본어를 이수하고 싶습니다.
제 인생에 큰 영향을 준 이런 기회가 주어진 점에 대해, TJF스탭분들에게 깊히 감사드립니다. 이번 경험은 너무나 특별해서, 다른 어떤 것과도 비교할 수 없답니다. 여러분과 만나게 되어 정말 즐거웠습니다.