Vicki/Horowhenua College (Levin, NEW ZEALAND)
비키호로웨느아 고등학교 (뉴질랜드 래빈)
日本語 | English | 中文 | 한국어
伊是名島や沖縄本島でのいろんな人や場所との出会い、ホームステイ、学校訪問などで、印象に残っていることや考えさせられたことがありますか? 具体的に書いてください。

















1. 今回、日本やアメリカ、イギリス、オーストラリア、韓国、中国、ニュージーランドの中高校生たちと出会って、伊是名島でいっしょに生活したり、取材に出かけたり、ウェブをつくったりするなかで、印象に残ったことはありますか? あるとしたら、具体的にどういうことですか?


2. みんなで、あるいはグループで、いっしょに作業をするなかで、たいへんだったことは何ですか? それに対して、あなたはどう思いましたか? あるいは、どうやって解決しようとしましたか?(「解決できなかった」、「まだよくわからない」というのもOKです!)




3. みんなで、あるいはグループで、いっしょに作業をするなかで、楽しかったこと、うれしかったこと、とてもよかったと思うことは何ですか?


このプロジェクトに参加する前とあとで、自分が変わったと思うことがありますか? あるとしたら、どんなところですか? きっかけとなった具体的なできごとがあれば、それもあわせて書いてください。





今回の経験をこれからなにかにいかしていけると思いますか? それは何ですか?












日本語 | English | 中文 | 한국어
My Thoughts and Reflections
Deai with Okinawa and Japan
What was particularly memorable or thought provoking for you about the people you met and the places you saw on Okinawa and Izena Island and through the homestay and school visitation program in Tokyko/Yokohama? Please be as specific as possible.
(1) Okinawa & Izena Island:

• Meeting Shun'ichi, and listening to his story about his teenage years. We learnt how strong music was, because it changed him into a better person. Through music such as starting the Shoen Taiko Drum Troupe and Sanshin, Shunichi adapted his ways as a teenager for the better.

• I felt very touched listening to the songs he composed, they all possessed strong passion and emotion in the songs. Even though I did not understand the lyrics in his beautiful melodies he composed, the passion in each word had an affect on me.

• The music in Izenajima captivated me. The power and the catchy rhythms put into the beat of the Shoen Taiko drums by the players were amazing. And how that they all worked together as one, and kept one another in time, without stopping or using words. It showed me that music is simply a language which every type of person will understand.

• The ‘Fur Elise, Beethoven' wake up call for the whole island in Izenajima, it is so interesting. I heard it every morning at 6am, and at first I thought it was a fire alarm or something!

(2) Homestay

• I remember I was really nervous! I am so grateful that homestay mother went out of her way to prepare special dishes for me when I stayed with Mickey's (My homestay sister) family. I felt so welcome, and quite embarrassed. They were so kind, and I was privileged to have them as my homestay family. I respected my homestay mother very much because she would wait for me to finish dinner before she started her meal. I didn't realize that she was waiting for me to finish… and I ate slowly because I was so nervous having my first meal at a homestay.

• The futon is the best bed ever! I didn't know how comfortable it was until I went to sleep on it… I think that is possibly better than a bed. The bean pillow was quite awkward to sleep on at first, but after a while, I got used to it. I really liked the kotatsu - something I recommend that should be an asset in NZ homes!

• Kneeling was quite hard for me, as I was not used to it. But soon I learnt that you could kneel slightly to a side.

(3) School Visitation

• The visit to Izena Junior High, and the visit to my homestay "sister's" highschool (Yokohama Commercial Highschool) are experiences I will never ever forget! It was a wonderful experience and I loved it!

• The lunch in Izena Junior High is something that stood out for me, the food was delicious - especially the fried sweet potato! Yummy! And it was interesting how the students ate food brought into their classroom, and how the students served the food. In New Zealand I usually brought lunch from home.

• The students also brushed their teeth after lunch. They kept their toothbrushes in the classroom. That was something that I wouldn't see in New Zealand!

• I helped out with the classroom cleaning in Izena Junior High. It was fun, and they drew up an amazing table to see which student would do what cleaning task.

• I spent two days at Yokohama Commercial High School, which went by so quickly! I miss ‘Y-ko' very much! Their school subjects had a big variety and I enjoyed doing some Calligraphy. I was also amazed that they took four English classes; Grammar, Listening, Speaking, Writing. They are all very talented and clever students! I was also surprised to find there were only three or four males in the class, the rest (Around about twenty or more…) were female!

• The uniform in ‘Y-Ko' also had a big variety. I felt envious, as they could choose from many coloured jerseys to wear. Their uniform has a diverse range, the students are very lucky!

• The students had six periods (classes) a day, and for me that felt quite strange. They also did not have ‘interval', but instead had ten minute breaks between each class. I was not used to this, and had to restrain my stomach from growling throughout the morning until lunch! It was quite funny actually.

Deai with Project Members and the Joint Project
(1) The Photo Essay Cafe, Okinawa Project brought you together with high school students from Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States. You stayed with them on Izena Island, went out to do research for the project with them, and created the photo essay for the website with them. What were your impressions of this experience meeting them and working with them on a joint project? Please be as specific as possible.

• It was a fun and challenging task. It was a challenge because I felt out of my ‘comfort zone'. I also felt shy communicating with the group. It was quite difficult, because they encouraged us to use as much of the Japanese language as possible, and I did not know very much as I had only been learning for less than two years. I didn't contribute as much at first because I couldn't use English - but my shyness evaporated quickly when we worked together and as I got to know the group members more. I felt quite ashamed that my Japanese speaking skills were quite amateur…. But it did not stop me from being me.

(2) What were some of the problems you encountered when engaged in activities either with the whole group or with your own project group? What did you think about those problems? How did you try to resolve these problems?

• Sometimes I felt isolated because I didn't understand what the people in my group and other groups were saying, when they spoke Japanese, and I felt myself drifting away from everyone. I guess I locked myself away from others, and now when I think back, I regret it a lot. I should have contributed to every second, but I felt extremely out of my ‘comfort zone' - and I felt useless because I didn't understand much of the Japanese language.

• I tried to resolve this problem by attempting to talk to the others in the group using Japanese, but it was very difficult! My Japanese vocabulary is quite limited and I only know a few words and phrases.

• Sometimes I felt not myself, I felt quiet and lonely because I wanted to try to talk to everyone and let them be affected by my contagious laughter and happiness, but I just couldn't bring myself up to it. I felt shy and not in the ‘crowd'.

(3) What was especially enjoyable, fun and memorable about the time spent and the work done together with the whole group and your project group?

• Everything! I felt like we were all one big family. And despite our different cultures and beliefs and the language barrier, we could all relate to each other and look out for one another. Everyday was a new challenge, and filled with excitement and fun!!! We did not know each other for very long, but when we were all together it felt like we knew each other for years.

(4) Do you think that you have changed in some way since participating in this project? If you think you have, in what way? Was there some particular experience or event that you think caused you to change? If so, please write about that as well.

• I have definitely changed! I used to rely a lot on other people, and I couldn't do things by myself. But everything in this amazing experience just developed me into a more independent person. I can do things by myself, and not rely on others as much anymore, and I am proud of that.

• At first, I felt quite reluctant to leave NZ, and go to a different place, nearly on the other side of the world, and join a programme with six complete strangers and the reception team. It was on the other side of the world! I didn't know what to expect.

• On the first night even though my Japanese teacher accompanied me to Japan , I felt so homesick. I felt lonely because it just felt scary to be by myself in a hotel room, in a foreign country. I didn't understand much, basically I didn't understand anything, and I felt so useless. I wanted to go back home. I cried that night because my mother cared about me a lot and told me to check the closets in hotels in case there was someone hiding in them. I felt scared that time, but now as I am writing this, it all seems so funny. I even checked under my bed! I was reluctant to believe that Japan is a safe country, one of the safest in the world- No matter how many countless times my Japanese teacher assured me!

• But a few days later, I felt confident and assured- I didn't even need to check closets. Japan is indeed, one of the safest countries in the world! And the six ‘strangers' along with the reception team are not strangers anymore. They are all great friends and I treasure the friendships we share very much!

(5) Do you think that you can make use of the experience you had in this project in your activities from now on? In what way do you think can you do that?

• Yes! Many activities. My Japanese vocabulary has expanded (a little!) and my speaking (and confidence too) has improved by far!

• I can tell everyone from New Zealand about every single detail in my experience, there wasn't a minute where I was bored!

• Shunichi and his friends' love, dedication and passion to their music and Izena Island has moved me and given me even more motivation to learn the Japanese language and culture. Their love for their island and Japan has caught on to me!

• Meeting all the Deai photo-essay café participants has given me another inspirational "boost" to pursue many other languages, so that one day I can talk to them fluently not only in Japanese but in their native language too! (I think a Photo-essay café Reunion is in order!!)

• Overall, I've come back from Japan with many more new goals which I hope to succeed in.

(6) Please write down any other thoughts, impressions, or ideas you have as a result of your participation in this project.

• I have an "album" of memories that I can take back with me, and I will never forget all the fun I had. You could say I went through some sort of "metamorphosis" in that short time I spent overseas. Now I have a list of goals to complete, before a reunion is in schedule….. (hint, hint!)

• Just coming back from this awesome experience has changed me into a much more independent person than I was before I participated in the programme. I think some of my Japanese teacher's (Miss Kemp Sensei) contagious passion and love for Japan and its vibrant culture has finally rubbed off on me!

• I can't wait until I visit Japan again, in a few years time (when my Japanese vocabulary has improved), and finally be able to understand so much more- I'll be able to read the road signs….and I'll finally be able to communicate better with Japanese people.

• The politeness, kindness and welcoming atmosphere of Japan and its people gave me such a surprise. Even in the hustle-bustle of the city there was still that beautiful atmosphere which embraced me and made me feel at home.

• Thank you TJF for an "out-of-this-world" experience, I will never forget all the people I met in Japan and the fun-filled ten days I spent over there!

Even though I had some problems during the whole programme, I enjoyed every minute of my time over there nevertheless! I guess the problems were challenges which helped me improve the person that I have become :-) I am very grateful for that.

I think I overcame the language barrier by just communicating with them through actions and even drawing pictures! I kept on telling myself, "Make the most of it, this is your only chance to, and you'll regret it if you don't!". So I eventually just willed myself to talk to everyone, and make the most of my chances. :-) 

I think the participants got to know each other ... through just the fun times we all shared, and the group work bonded us closer. And just times on the bus, or times in the hotel when we had our "parties" and sang songs, it just felt very happy! Its quite hard to describe how we got to know each other, but it was through just simple things as well as talking to one another. As I mentioned before, singing in the hotel, our parties we held, and the time we had together, and our common interests in shopping and sport just bonded us all closer.

日本語 | English | 中文 | 한국어
“카페 오키나와” 소감
伊是名島 (이제나섬) 이나 沖縄本島 (오키나와 본도) 에서의 여러 사람, 여러 곳에서의 만남, 홈스테이, 학교방문 등을 통하여, 추억에 남거나 생각하게 된 것이  있습니까? 구체적으로 써 주세요.
[이제나섬이나 오키나와]

・슌이치와 만나, 그의 10대 시절의 이야기를 들은 것. 음악을 만나 나쁜 짓을 하지 않게 되었다는 이야기를 듣고, 음악이 가지는 강한 힘을 느꼈습니다. 쇼엔북과 산신(三線)을 시작한 뒤, 슌이치는 성실해 졌다고 합니다.

・슌이치가 만든 곡을 듣고 감동했습니다. 모든 곡에 강한 열정과 감정이 느껴졌습니다. 가사의 의미는 알수 없었지만, 아름다운 멜로디와 가사에 숨겨진 열정에 깊은 감동을 받았습니다.

・이제나섬의 음악은 멋졌어요. 쇼엔북의 멤버가 북을 내려치는 힘과 친숙한 리듬은 훌륭했습니다. 또 멈추지도 않고 말도 없이, 막힘없는 연주를 해 내는 것에 감명받았습니다. 음악은 모든 사람이 이해할 수 있는 “언어”라고 느꼈습니다.

・아침 6시에 베토벤의 ”엘리제를 위하여”가 섬 전체에 울려퍼지는 것이 흥미로웠습니다. 처음에는 화재경보같은 것인가라는 착각까지 했답니다 !

[홈스테이 / 받아들임]

・무척 긴장했습니다. 미키의 어머니가 저를 위해 특별한 음식을 준비해 주셔서 너무 고마웠습니다. 아주 따뜻하게 맞이해 주셔서, 몸둘 바를 몰랐어요. 미키의 집에서 홈스테이 할 수 있어, 아주 기뻤습니다. 첫날 저녁때는 첫 식사라는 긴장감에 먹는데 시간이 걸렸습니다. 사실, 저는 알아채지 못했는데, 미키의 어머니는 제가 저녁식사를 마칠때까지 기다려 주셨습니다. 너무나 감사드립니다.

・이불은 아주 좋았어요! 이불에서 자 보기 전에는, 이렇게 기분 좋은 것인지 몰랐어요. 침대보다 더 좋다는 생각이 들 정도입니다. 처음에는 팥이 든 베게가 그다지 마음에 들지는 않았지만, 좀 지나다보니 무척 익숙해졌습니다. 고타츠도 좋아졌어요. 뉴질랜드의 가정에서도 한대씩 갖출 필요가 있다고 생각합니다!

・정좌는 해 본적이 없었기 때문에, 꽤 힘들었습니다. 그러나, 점점 발을 바꾸면 괜찮다는 것을 알게 되었습니다.

[학교방문 / 받아들임]

・이제나 중학교와 미키의 학교(요코하마상업고등학교)에 간 것은, 평생 잊을 수 없어요! 정말로 즐겁고 멋진 경험이었습니다.

・이제나 중학교에서 학생들과 급식을 먹은 것이 기억에 남습니다. 특히 고구마 튀김이 맛있었어요! 급식을 학생들이 교실로 운반하고, 나누어 주는 것도 흥미로웠습니다. 저는 주로 집에서 도시락을 가지고 오거든요.

・학생들은 급식 후에 이를 닦았습니다. 교실에 전원 치솔이 있었어요. 뉴질랜드에서는 본 적이 없는 광경이었어요!

・교실 청소도 도왔습니다. 아주 즐거웠어요. 어느 학생이 어디를 청소할지, 학생들이 그려 놓은 너무나 편리한 당번표가 있는 거예요.

・요코하마 상업고등학교에서 보낸 이틀간은 너무나 빨랐어요! 또 가고 싶어요! 여러 과목이 있었는데, 서예가 아주 재미있었어요. 또, 문법, 청해, 회화, 작문의 4개나 영어과목이 있는 점에는 놀랐습니다! 

・Y고등학교에서는, 여러 종류의 교복 중에서 학생들이 좋은 것을 고를수 있어요. 너무 부러웠어요!

・수업은 하루에 6시간이라, 이상한 느낌이 들었습니다. 뉴질랜드에서 인터벌이라 불리는 오전중의 중간 휴식(간식을 먹는 시간)이 없고, 그 대신 수업 사이에 10분간 휴식이 있었습니다. 이런 시간표에 익숙하지 않았던 탓에, 오전중에는 뱃 속이 울리지 나 않을까 고생했지요! 정말 이상했어요.

멤버 14명과의 만남, 공동 프로젝트에 대하여
1. 이번에 일본, 미국, 영국, 호주, 한국, 중국, 뉴질렌드의 중고등학생들을 만나서, 伊是名島(이제나섬)에서 함께 생활하면서, 취재와 웹을 만드는 과정에서 추억에 남은 것이 있습니까? 있으면 구체적으로 어떤 것입니까?

 아주 즐겁고, 한편으론 힘든 작업이었습니다. 저는 겨우 2년밖에 일본어를 배우지 않았기 때문에, 일본어는 아주 서툽니다. 그러나, 기본적으로는 일본어로 작업하도록 되어있었기 때문에, 처음에는 긴장해서, 그룹 멤버와의 의사소통도 소극적이 되어버렸어요. 영어를 쓰지 않아서, 그룹의 작업에 전혀 도움이 되지 못했다고 생각합니다. 그러나, 함께 작업해 가는 중에, 그룹 멤버와 친해지고, 가까워질 수 있었습니다. 일본어를 못해서 창피하다고 생각했지만, 마지막에는 저만의 모습을 되찾을 수 있었다는 생각이 듭니다. ^^

2. 모두로 혹은 그룹으로 함께 작업하면서, 힘들었던 것이 뭐에요? 그것에 대해 어떻게 생각을 했어요?  혹은 어떻게 해결하려고 했을까요? (“해결 못 했다”, “아직 잘 모른다”란 것이라도 괜찮아요!)

・다른 사람들이 일본어로 이야기를 나눌 때는, 무슨 말을 하는지 몰라, 소외감을 느꼈습니다. 다른 사람들의 대화의 장에 끼어들지 못한채, 혼자의 세계에 머물러 있었습니다. 지금 와 생각하면, 좀더 많은 부분에 있어 작업에 협조했어야 했는데, 라는 후회가 듭니다.

・그룹 멤버에게 일본어로 말을 걸려 했지만, 일본어 어휘도 문장도 조금밖에 몰라, 아주 어려웠습니다.

・평소의 제 자신은, 누구에게나 말을 걸어 웃기고, 행복한 기분을 나누어 주고싶다는 생각을 가지고 있지만, 일본어를 모르기 때문에 조용히 지내게 된 듯 합니다. 가끔은 쓸쓸해서 제가 제 자신이 아닌 느낌 마저 들었어요. 사람들의 낯을 가려 모두로부터 소외된 듯한 느낌도 들었었지요.

3. 모두로 혹은 그룹으로 함께 작업하면서, 즐거웠던 것, 기뻤던 것, 아주 좋았다고 생각한 것이 뭐에요?

 전부예요! 다들 한가족이 된 느낌이었습니다. 문화와 사고방식, 언어의 장벽을 넘어서, 서로 친근감을 느끼고, 도왔습니다. 매일, 힘든 작업이 있었지만, 즐거운 날의 연속이었습니다! 함께 한 시간은 짧았지만, 옛날부터 알고 지내던 친구같은 느낌이었어요.

이 프로젝트에 참가하기 전과 후에 자기자신이 달라졌다고 생각하는 것이 있습니까? 있다면 어떤 점입니까? 계기로 된 구체적인 사건들이 있으면, 그것도 함께 써 주세요.

・아주 변했다고 생각해요! 늘 다른 사람에게 의지하고, 저 혼자서는 아무것도 할 수 없었지만, 이런 굉장한 경험을 통해, 제대로 인간이 된 느낌입니다. 다른 사람에게 의지하지 않고, 스스로 무언가를 할 수 있게 되었고, 제 스스로 자신이 생겼습니다.

・뉴질랜드를 출발할 때는, 전혀 모르는 지구 건너편으로 가서, 전혀 모르는 고등학생
들과 함께 프로그램에 참가하는 것에 대해 무척 불안했습니다. 어떤 전개가 기다릴지 상상도 못했습니다. 일본에 도착한 첫날 밤, 뉴질랜드의 일본어 선생님과 함께 호텔에 묵었는데도 불구하고, 홈시크에 걸리고 말았어요. 외국의 호텔방에 혼자 있는것이 너무나 외롭고, 일본어도 거의 몰라, 불안함에 집에 돌아가고만 싶었어요. 걱정한 엄마가, 호텔 방에서는 벽장안에 누군가 숨어있지는 않은지 확인하라는 주의를 주었기 때문에, 더더욱 무서워져서 그만 울어버렸어요. 지금은 제 스스로 이상한 생각이 듭니다. 글쎄, 침대 아래까지 봤다니까요! 일본이 세계에서도 손꼽히는 안전한 나라라고 믿고싶지 않았던 모양이에요. 일본어 선생님은 몇번이나 저에게 그렇게 이야기하며  안심시키려 하셨지만.

・그러나, 몇일이 지나면서, 완전히 안심하게 되었습니다. 물론 벽장 체크도 안하게 되었구요. 일본은 정말 세계에서 가장 안전한 나라입니다! 그리고 다른 고등학생과는이제 더 이상 모르는 사이가 아닙니다. 모두 너무나 멋진 친구가 되었고, 그들과의 우정은 제게 있어서도 아주 소중한 것이 되었습니다.

이번 경험을 앞으로 뭔가에 살릴 수 있다고 생각합니까? 그건 뭐에요?

・여러 활동에 활용해 갈수 있다는 생각입니다. 일본어 어휘도 조금이지만 늘었고, 회화력, 그리고 자신도 생겼습니다.

・제 경험의 1분1초까지 상세하게 뉴질랜드 사람들에게 들려줄 수 있어요. 한가지 한가지가 소중한 경험이었습니다.

・슌이치와 그의 친구들의 음악, 그리고 이제나섬에 대한 애정과 열정에 감동받았습니다. 일본어와 일본문화에 대해서도 더욱 알고 싶다는 생각이 들었습니다. 그들의 섬과 일본에 대한 애정이, 저에게 옮겨 온 듯 합니다!

・다른 해외에서 온 참가자를 만나, 다른 여러가지 언어도 배우고싶다는 생각이 강해졌습니다. 일본어뿐만 아니라, 다른 친구들의 모국어로도 능숙하게 말해 보고 싶다는 생각입니다.

・결국, 하고 싶은 일이 여러가지로 늘어서 돌아왔다는 겁니다.

그 외 이번 프로젝트에 대하여 느낀 거, 생각되는 점이 있으면 뭐든지 써 주세요.

・이번 프로젝트로 많은 추억이 생겼습니다. 이런 즐거운 추억을 저는 결코 잊을 수 없어요. 일본에서 지낸 건 짧은 기간이었지만, 저는 번데기에서 나비가 되듯이 “변신”했다는 생각이 듭니다. 다음에 모두를 만날 때까지, 여러가지 목표를 달성하고 싶습니다.

・이 프로젝트를 통해 일본을 아주 좋아하게 되었습니다. 일본어의 켐프 선생님의 생기 넘치는 문화에 대한 열정이 저에게도 옮고 말았습니다.

・몇년이 지나 일본어가 능숙해지면, 또 일본에 가고 싶습니다. 그리고, 도로 표지를 읽기도 하고, 일본 사람들과 이야기를 나눌수 있도록 하고 싶어요.

・일본 사람들이 예의바르고, 친절하고, 우리를 따뜻하게 맞아준 데에, 놀랐습니다. 도시의 소음 속에서도, 저는 그 따뜻한 분위기를 느낄 수 있었기에, 릴랙스 할 수 있었습니다.

・이 세상의 일이라곤 상상할 수 없을 정도의 경험을 하게 해 준, TJF에 감사드립니다. 일본에서 만난 사람들, 즐거운 나날이었던 10일간을 저는 결코 잊을 수 없습니다!