ヘレン/キララ高校 (オーストラリア ニューサウスウェールズ州)
HelenKillara High School (New South Wales, AUSTRALIA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Both my brothers were at Hong Kong ferry platform in 1993.
My brother (Terry) graduated from kindergartens, so he gets a treat.
Terry's first time visit Harbors Bridge.
The biggest plant that we grow.
Jackson and I visit the special events in Christmas in 1999.
  はじめまして! 私の名前はへレンです。今年十六歳になります。私の誕生日は九月二十三日です。へび年です。キララ高等学校一年生です。私は香港で生まれました。私は香港人です。香港で生まれました。今はキララに住んでいます。香港からオーストラリアに移民したがって,香港からオーストラリアに引越してきました。英語と中国語を話します。私の家族は五人です。父と母と弟二人と私です。弟の名前はテリィとジャクソンです。テリィ君はキララ中学校の二年生です。今年十四歳になります。ジャクソンもキララ中学校の一年生です。今年十三歳(になります。テリィ君とジャクソン君はスポーツがじょうずです。スポーツは楽しいです。私は運動しているほうが好きです,とくにバドミントンです。高校でスポーツぶに所属しています。テリィ君とジャソン君と私はペットが大好きです,でもお母さんはペットが嫌いです。暇なときに部屋で音楽を聴きます。


   Self Introduction

Hi, my name is Helen. In this year, I'll be 16. I was born in the 23rd September in the year of snake. I'm attending year 10 in Killara High School. I was born at Hong Kong, I m a Cantonese. I immigrated to Australia from Hong Kong. I could speak Mandarin, Cantonese, English and very bits of Japanese. In my family, there are 5 people. There are my dad, my mum, my two brothers and me. My brother's names were Terry and Jackson. Terry is attending year 8 this year and Jackson is attending year 7 this year. We all like sports, especially badminton. We were in the sports club at school. Sometimes we like to quiet down as playing with pets, but my mother doesn't like them so we don't have a pet. In the spare times, we were mostly out to city to sing karaoke or listen to music at home. My father is a businessman. He was always oversea to do his business, but in my father's side of families, mostly they love the male children then female. Because of his work, the relationship between me and him got worst. I was be loved at my mother's side of family very much, even my cousin or nephews which they were only 10 and 3.

What I think about the Deai student was, they all living in a different style of life that showed me the different angle of different families and one of the most caught my interests was Yoo Yoo Jin. I found out that the personalities of her and I was similar. Especially we are energetic and both think in a more bad ways if I'm confused or unhappy, and also living in a country that not really hometown was a bit of sick for me.

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트
Title :
Name : Geoffrey Age : 15 Country : AUSTRALIA
  • (Original text)
    Helen obviously has a very busy life! Despite being occasionally hard to understand, this is an interesting essay.
  • (翻译)

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