 こんにちは!!みさと申します。わたしは今、16歳で高校1年生です。
わたしにはたくさん好きな事があります。まず1つはショッピングで服のコーディネートをする事が大好きです★ だから、わたしの部屋は服だらけです♪ 最近は服作りやリメイクにも挑戦しています☆
あと、音楽も大好きです♪ でも、流行の歌にはあまり詳しくないのでカラオケは苦手です…。中学校の時に吹奏楽部でパーカッション(打楽器)をやっていたので、気が付くとリズムを刻んでいたり鼻唄を歌ってしまい、友達によく笑われます。
わたしの友達は本当にみんな良い子ばかりで一緒に居てとっても楽しいです♪ 学校のクラスもみんな仲が良くていつもわたしに元気をくれる大切な場所です★ なので、いつまでも大切にしていこうと思います。
Hi! My name is Misa. I'm sixteen years
old right now and a first-year student in high school.
I like a lot of things. First, I love to go shopping for
clothes and coordinating my outfits★ That's why my room
is full of clothes♪ Recently, I've been taking a shot at
making my own clothes as well as mending and touching up
old clothes☆
I also love music♪ But I don't really know much about the
latest music, so I'm not into karaoke . . . In junior high
school, I played percussion in the brass band, and I sometimes
find myself unconsciously moving to a rhythm or humming.
For that my friends laugh at me.
My friends are all great people, and being with them is
a lot of fun♪ Everyone in our class gets along, and they
give me a lot of energy★ That's why I'll treasure my classmates
我有好多爱好。第一,我非常喜欢购物时进行服装的搭配★ 所以我的房间里全是衣服♪ 最近在挑战做衣服和改做衣服☆
其次,我还特别喜欢音乐♪ 但是因为对流行歌曲不太熟悉,所以不擅长卡拉OK……。我上中学的时候在吹奏乐部学过打击乐,时不时地就会打节拍,哼唱歌曲,经常被朋友取笑。
我的朋友都是一些很好的人,所以在一起非常开心♪ 学校班级里的伙伴们关系也都很好,这是给我力量的很珍贵的地方★ 所以我要珍惜到永远。
안녕하세요!! 미사라고합니다. 나는 지금 16세 고등학교 1학년생입니다.
나는 좋아하는 것이 많이 있어요. 첫번 째는 쇼핑하면서 옷을 맞추는 것을 좋아합니다!! 그래서 내 방은
옷만 많이 있어요. 요즘은 옷 만들기와 리메이크를 도정하고 있습니다.
그리고 음악도 아주 좋아해요! 그런데 유행하고 있는 노래는 잘 몰라서 노래방에서 부르는 것은 잘 못해요...
중학교에서 취주악 (약자 주: 금관, 목관 타악기로 구성된 벤드) 동아리에서 타악기를 해본 적이 있어서
자기도 모르게 발로 리듬을 치고 콧노래를 흥얼거려서 친구를 웃기는 경우가 자주 있습니다.
내 친구는 정말 좋은 사람들이라 같이 있어서 진짜 즐거워요!! 학교의 같은 반
친구들도 다 친해서 학교는 내가 힘을 얻을 수 있는 소중한 공간입니다. 그래서 언제까지나 잘 지키고
コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트
Title : 服がとてもかわいい!
Name : サラAge : 15 Country : USA
- (原文)
- (Translation)
Your clothes are so cute. I’m American so my Japanese isn’t that good. But I’ll study and try my best.
Title : こんにちは!
Name : RugratsAge : 17 Country : USA
Title :
Name : anita and scottyAge : 16 Country : USA
- (原文)
anata no inu wa kawaii desu. watashitachi mo kaimono ga daisuki desu. kutsu ga dai suki desu yo. watashitachi wa nihongo o hanasuno ga heta desu. scotty san wa nihonjin desu ga watashi (anita) wa chuugokujin desu. watashitachi wa basukettobooru ga suki desu. anata mo? watashitachi wa hiphop to R&B no ongaku ga suki desu. gakkoo wa doo desu ka? watashitachi wa kookoo ninensei desu. anata wa america e kimasu ka? watashitachi wa nihon e ikitai desu.
Your dog is really cute. We like shopping too. We love shoes most of all. We’re not that good at speaking Japanese. Scotty is Japanese but I (Anita) am Chinese. We like basketball. Do you? We like Hip Hop and R&B. How is school for you? We’re sophomores in high school. Are you coming to America? We want to go to Japan.
Title : Dear Amanda
Name : みさ
Age : 17
Country : JAPAN
- (原文)
Dear Amanda, コメントどうもありがとう(^_^) このベスト、作るのとっても簡単なんですよ♪多分どんな不器用な人でも作れちゃうと思う!!(笑)私もオーストラリア人の女の子、アビーからオーストラリアの学校のことや日常生活などの話を聞いて、やっぱり日本とは違うな~と感じました!!国によって生活習慣が違ったりするのって本当に面白いよね♪
- (Translation)
Dear Amanda, Thank you for your comment (^_^) Making this vest is really easy. I think that no matter how clumsy you are, you can make it. (hehe) I heard about Australia’s schools and daily life from an Australian girl named Abby. I feel like it really is different from Japan!! The fact that lifestyles really depend on what country you’re in is really interesting, isn’t it?
Title : You are so talented!
Name : アマンダ/Amanda
Age : 14
- (翻訳)
こんにちは、みさ! みさは、すごいですね!こんなベストわたしにはつくれません。日本の高校生の学校生活とか、好きなこととか、見ててホントにおもしろいです。オーストラリアとはぜんぜん違う感じ。
- (Original)
Hi Misa! I can never make a vest like the one you have made. It is really interesting how Japanese people do at school and what they enjoy doing...it is so different to what we do in Australia.
Title : Dear Emily
Name : みさ
Age : 17
Country : JAPAN
- (原文)
Dear Emily、コメントありがとう!!裁縫は得意では無いけど好きです!ペットは今はウサギが1羽に犬が1匹です。他にも鳥やハムスターなども飼ったことがあります。動物って本当に可愛いよね♪Emilyのネコとウサギも見てみたいな!!
- (Translation)
Dear Emily, thank you for your comment. I like sewing, though I am not good at it. I have a rabbit and a dog. I used to have birds and hamsters. Animals are so cute, aren't they? I love to see your cats and rabbits, too!!
- (翻译)
Title :
Name : Emily
Age : 14
Country : UK
- (翻訳)
- (Original text)
hi, you seem to be very good at sewing misa, making that for your dog. I am not very good at sewing. My hobbies and sport and dancing. I have 2 cats and 2 rabbits. What pets do you have? xx
- (翻译)
Title : Re: Your rabbit
Name : みさ
Age : 17
Country : JAPAN
- (原文)
Dear Larry & Jonathan、コメントどうもありがとう!!私のうさぎにとても興味を持ってくれたみたいで嬉しいです。ライオンラビットという名前の通り、ライオンの様にたてがみがあるんですよ!!結べるくらい長くて面白いです♪
- (Translation)
Dear Larry & Jonathan、thanks for your comments!! I am glad that you seem to be interested in my rabbit. As its name shows, it actually has mane as a lion! It’s so long that you can arrange it. It’'s fun♪
- (翻译)
亲爱的Larry 和 Jonathan,谢谢你们的评论!!我很高兴你们对我的兔子感兴趣。就像它的名字说的那样,它有着狮子般的鬃毛!太长了以至于你可以把它们拿来编辫子,那很有趣!
Title : Your rabbit
Name : Larry
Age : 12
Country : USA
- (翻訳)
- (Original text)
I believe that your rabbit is pretty interesting. I never heard of the lion head rabbit. That’s interesting.
- (翻译)
Title : (no title)
Name : Jonathan
Age : 12
Country : USA
- (翻訳)
- (Original text)
It’s very interesting. I learned a lot about you. You are really good at sewing. It’s amazing how you sewed a shirt for your family dog. You have a very interesting rabbit. I’ve never heard of a lionhead rabbit. It’s something new to me. You are probably good at music.
- (翻译)