奈々 (日本 東京都)
Nana (Tokyo, JAPAN)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Working toward a dream takes a lot of hard work. When she practices, Nana-chan sparkles with concentration and intensity.
On the dance contest stage. Nana-chan was invited to perform as the previous year's grand-prize winner. "Getting recognition from others is really great!"
A dance at her last school culture festival. Even when performing the same moves, each dancer does them a little different. I couldn't take my eyes off Nana-chan (left) whose whole body seems to be sending some kind of message.
The unforeseeable future, dreams, the reality right in front of her . . . In everyday life she worries over a lot of things. After all, she is just an ordinary high school student.
Peace. Nana-chan at her most natural. Don't you wish everyone in the world could smile like this?
Photographs and captions: Gomi Wakako





   自分のおどりでいろんな人をPeace & Happyにしたい。写真、絵、VD、DJ、シンガー、世界中のアーティストとかかわって仕事をしていきたい。

   最近うれしかったことは、わたしのチームのShow timeでおどり終わったあと、黒人の人にほめられたこと、「うまいね、衣装もよかったし」と。自分たちでつくったおどりが外国の人にも通用するのだと、少し自信を持つことができた。ほめてくれた人もダンス関係の仕事をしている人のようで、ダンスを通してちがう国(あこがれの町New York!)の人と知りあえたことがうれしかった。人間はけっして一人では生きていけない。いろいろな人がいて初めて、自分の個性が光るのだと思う。わたしはその個性をこれからもずっとみがいていきたい。そして自分を支えてくれる人たちを大切にしていこうと思う。
Hobbies, special skills
Music, songs, paintings, photographs

Favorite words/phrases

Live now (Ima o ikiru)

What is most important to me
My family, meeting people, my body, music

What I enjoy most
Dance, being in the spotlight and performing a dance we choreographed ourselves in front of an audience

What kind of person I am
Serious (!?) I tend to think about things too deeply. I'm also moody.

Future ambition
To bring peace and happiness to a lot of people with my dancing. I want a job where I can work with photographs, paintings, video discs, DJs, singers, and artists the world over.

It made me very happy recently after my dance team had finished our dance performance when a black guy in the audience came up and said, "You're pretty good, and your costumes are well done, too." For a dance we choreographed ourselves to go over well with a foreigner gave me a lot of confidence. It seems he worked in dance as well, and it was exciting to meet someone from a different country (my dream-city New York, no less!) through dance. People weren't made to survive entirely on their own. An individual's unique qualities shine precisely because there are many different types of people. I want to polish my own individual qualities from now on, and cherish those who support me.

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2007/10/13
Title :
Name : のぞみ Age : 16 Country : USA
Title : 僕はブレイクダンス
Name : yone taku Age : 15 Country : USA
Title : ダンスはかっこいいなー
Name : masaki Age : 16 Country : USA
Title : Your dance
Name : Scott Age : 17 Country : USA
  • (Original)
    How is your dance career going now? What are you doing? What are your favorite kinds of dance now? I really respect your focus and determination--good luck with everything!
  • (翻译)

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