Hi, my name is Yehram. I am Korean but I have lived in England
for eleven years. I am now 16. I have a little brother.
I live in Cambridge, England. My home in Korea is in Seoul,
the capital city. I first came to England because of my
dad but I'm in a home stay now. At first, it was hard for
me to get used to living on my own but after a few months
I just got used to it. In the home stay house there are
8 students including me and my brother. They provide us
with dinner but no lunches. I miss my parents but I go to
Korea every winter and summer to see them. It's not so bad
because I live in the same house as my brother and my cousin's
boarding school is only 5 minutes walk from my school. Even
though I've lived in England for most of my life I still
think of Seoul (Korea) as my home and I miss it very very
much when I'm in England! I'm always busy with schoolwork
and I work
(アルバイト) every Friday
evening in a Japanese restaurant called Teri-yaki with my
Taiwanese friend.