クリスタ/メナーシャ高校 (アメリカ ウィスコンシン州)
Krista/Menasha High School (Wisconsin, USA)
KristaMenasha高中 (美国威斯康星州)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
This is a picture of me. My name is Krista and I am seventeen years old. Many people think that I am a little strange, but I just use a lot of sarcasm in my speech. I would like to become famous and rich someday, but there really isn't anyone who doesn't want the same thing. Besides, I do not have any talent that would lead to me becoming rich and famous. Oh well, that's life.
This is my family. Every Christmas we go to visit my mom's family. My uncle buys the whole family strange hats, which we are forced to wear for pictures. We always look funny in our pictures, but we have a lot of fun. It takes pressure off of having the perfect picture and lets us just be a family.
This is a picture of my sister and me at Universal Studios. This is not a real dinosaur, and neither one of us has a fear of large reptiles, but we had fun taking the picture. My sister is my best friend, and we always have fun with each other. I look up to my sister and admire her for both her strengths and weaknesses. I cannot imagine my life without her.
This is a picture of my sister, my two cousins, Marisa and Jocelyn and me. We spend a lot of time together, and often go on short vacations to random places. We all became really close when their father built a disco in his basement, and we spent countless hours there laughing, playing games, and conversing about whatever topic interested us at the time.
我和姐姐还有亲戚家的姐妹,她们名字叫Marisa 和 Jocelyn。我们经常一起去旅游。
This is my dog, Chelsie. She is very energetic and playful. When it is hot outside, I will often take her to the park to play or out for a walk. Chelsie is a very disciplined dog, and has never run away. Maybe this is because she knows where the food is.


  My Life: The Good, The Bad, and The Pretty
My name is Krista. I was born on October 9, 1987, and I am currently a junior at Menasha High School. Although I have been living in Menasha, Wisconsin, for six years, I don't consider it my home. I think this is because I have lived in so many places, and moved so often, that I don't really like to settle in one place. I am a lone traveler, yet I have never really traveled alone.
      I was born in Minnesota, but my family decided to move to Wisconsin before I was a year old. In Wisconsin, we were closer to family and my mother enjoyed sharing moments with her sisters again. However, we moved to Colorado when I was four because my dad was transferred. I loved Colorado. Maybe it was just the time period in which I experienced it, but everything always seemed so beautiful there. I went to a Catholic school and had more friends than I would ever have again.
      My best friend through all this time, and still today, was my sister. After successive moves, we learned to not get too close to people except each other. Some people would consider this a bad thing, but I look at it as a blessing. I know that wherever I go, my sister will always be there for me. This is something I have found very little people have the pleasure of enjoying.
      My sister is always encouraging when I talk about what I want to achieve in life. My plan is to get a Linguistics major in college. I would like to become an interpreter for the CIA. Although this goal makes many people roll in laughter, I still plan to fight for it with all my might. This is only one of my many aspirations, however.
      I have a traveling bug. My goal is to visit at least forty countries by the time I am forty. I thought this would be a reasonable number to reach, seeing how many countries there are in this world. My first endeavor will be to backpack through Europe. I like the romanticized idea of traveling across borders with only a backpack on my shoulders. This is, of course, not going to be as wonderful as it is made out to be, but it is an experience worth living.
      My life may not be the most interesting thing as of yet, but I plan on dramatically changing that. I doubt I will ever see my name in lights, nor will I find the cure for some deadly disease, but one day I plan to look back on my life and have a smile cross my face. That is my ultimate goal.

I really enjoyed looking at the photo essays of the Japanese students. I learned a lot about how high school life in Japan is similar and different from how it is in America. The captions for the photos were very detailed and full of information. I liked how the pictures also covered a wide variety of areas in each person's life. I found it interesting how they knew a lot about who they were and what they wanted to be, since many high school students in America are still unsure when entering college. It was a very informative and interesting way to learn about life in Japan.

    我出生在明尼苏达州, 没到一岁就搬到了威斯康星州。在威斯康星州有很多亲戚,妈妈和妈妈的姐妹们交往得很亲密。我4岁的时候,因父亲调工作我们去了科罗拉多州,也许因为年龄关系,科罗拉多的生活一切都让我觉得美丽。每天去基督教学校,交了很多朋友,觉得不可能再交这么多朋友了。


コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2006/05/17
Title : その犬はかわいいですね
Name : ジェーソン Age : 18 Country : USA
  • (Translation)
    Hello. Your dog is cute. I have a dog named is Milo, and he’s a terrier. I live in California. I want to go to Denver, Colorado. But I also want to go to Wisconsin, because they have delicious cheese. I love cheese. They have good cheese in California. I am studying Japanese, so this message is good practice. You’re really good at Japanese. I’m a senior in high school, and next year I’ll start college. I also have an older sister with whom I talk a lot. She’s 29 years old and she’ll have a baby soon. It’s nice to meet you. Good-bye.
  • (翻译)
Title : 友だちになりたい
Name : みさ/Misa Age : 16 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Translation)
    After reading the sentence “…We learned to not get too close to people except each other,” I thought I would like to become good friends with you. Sisters are important, but so are friends!
  • (翻译)
Title : 魅力的な人だと思いました
Name : みっきー/Mickey Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Translation)
    Up until the middle of your essay I thought you were a normal 17 year old, but when I read your last lines (“My life may not be the most interesting thing as of yet. . . ”), I felt like you were a very fascinating person. I would deifinitely like to meet and talk with you.
  • (翻译)
Title : CIA通訳の夢が印象的
Name : はり/Hari Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Translation)
    “Nice and strange” Krista. Your dream to “become an interpreter for the CIA” is impressive.
  • (翻译)
Title : わたしと似てます
Name : まや/Maya Age : 18 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Translation)
    I think we are really similar since we both want to become translators and travel around the world.
  • (翻译)

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