アレクス/デュランゴ高校 (アメリカ ネバダ州)
Alex/Durango High School (Nevada, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
This is my family’s cat. It acts like a dog.
This is my friend Miguel. Cosplaying Mario. I’ve known him since first year of high school.
This is my computer I made it myself.
This is my friend Sarah I’ve known her since 3rd year in high school.
This is my friend in Davis I’ve known him since first year of high school.
These are my swords I bought them at Anime Expo.
This is my sister she is in the second year of high school.
This is a picture of me. I am in my Japanese class while my teacher took a picture of me.
   私はうんてんすることができますが私ヴァンをうんてんします。とてもかっこわるい、でもとてもべんりですよ。ともだちといっしょにいろいろなところに行けます。今年の夏休に私たちはカリフォニヤに行きました。私のヴァンにのりました。カリフォニヤでアニメエクスポに行きました。私のともだちはアニメが大好きですから行きました。私はアニメがかなり好き、でもアニメはとてもおもしろいです。コンピュターのこともいろいろしっています。今年私はコンピュターを作りました。とてもたのしかったです。コンピュターでWarcraft 3や、World of Warcraftやいろいろなゲームをします。とてもおもしろいですよ。
   高校のあとで大学に 入りたいです。大学でけんちくかがべんきょうしたいです。インテイリヤデザインもべんきょうしたいです。たてものがつくりたいです。私のエムブレムが入れたいです。しょうらいに私は私のうちが作りたいです。けんちくかになったらお金もちになりますよ。そうしたら何でも買えます。ゲームやアニメやコンピュターが買えます。
  My Random Essay
Hello my name is Alex. I am an 18 year old boy. Right now I am in my fourth year of high school. Right now I am living at a friend’s house in Las Vegas. I have a brother and a sister. We are Chinese. Those two and my father live in California right now, but they do not live together. My little sister and my little brother live with an aunt right now.
      I am able to drive right now, however I am driving a van. It is really not cool, but it is rather convenient. I am able to go to various places with my friends. This year’s summer break we went to California. We drove my van down there. At California we went to the Anime Expo.  My friends love the Anime Expo, therefore they went.  I’m not really that fond of the Anime Expo, but it is interesting. I also know various things about the computer. This year I made one. It was really fun. On my computer I play Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft, and various other games. They are all interesting.
      After high school I want to enter college. At college I want to study being an architect. I also want to study to become an interior designer. I want to create buildings. I want to put my emblem on them. In the future I want to build my own house. If I become an architect I will become rich. Then I can buy anything.  I can buy games, anime, and computers.
      My mom is very kind. She takes care of 3 children. She has two jobs. She is a really strong mother. Right now my mother is arrested by the Chinese government. I don’t know the reason. The Chinese government said, “We can’t tell you the reason.” Right now is a very hard time.  Right now I don’t know when my mother will be coming back, so I sent them to live with my Aunt.  My dad is a lazy person. My dad has a kind heart but really doesn’t like doing hard things so he usually doesn’t do anything.
      My younger sister is 15 years old in high school.   My little sister and I went to California together. She also likes anime. Right now she is also learning Japanese. She can do HTML. She also knows coding. She is very smart.  But she is a bit lazy.  She loves blue things. She always wears blue clothes. It is really weird. My sister and I rarely talk.
      My little brother is 11 years old in Elementary school. He is very smart, but he is also very lazy. He never wants to do his homework. He is always playing games. Since he only plays games I say “Do your homework!” Then he does his homework.
       My little brother is keeping a cat. This cat is really smart. This cat acts like a dog. Whenever I go home my cat comes up and says “Nya.” It is a very cute and smart cat. My cat is orange and white.  Every once in a while my brother feeds the cat. But more often then him I feed the cat.

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2007/07/24
Title :
Name : 陽子 Age : 18 Country : 日本/Japan

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