サビエラ/デュランゴ高校 (アメリカ ネバダ州)
Saviera/Durango High School (Nevada, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
これは私です :D *
イライザと私とヘザーはマール で写真をとりました。イライザのさくぶんを 読んで下さい。イライザは私のいい友達です。
私の一番好きな友達のヘザーです。ヘザーはとても元気でおかしいです。 ^-^!
  今日は *^-^*
I am Saviera. I’m 18 years old. I live in Las Vegas. I’m a 4th year high school student at Durango. I don’t really like school, but I have a lot of friends. I like to study photography and Japanese. Next year I intend to go to college to study photography and business.
      My family consists of two people and two cats. I don’t have a father or outside family. My mom is 36 years old. She’s from New Mexico. My mom used to model, but now she works at a casino. Me and my mom get along. Sometimes I go with my mom out to restaurants to eat breakfast, but I’m on a diet. I want to become thin
      My mom bought me a bass guitar becuase I like music alot. While I drive I listen to music and sing. I have a truck. His name is Jimmy. Most of the time I drive fast. Which isn’t very good xD.
      I work at a Japanese shop called Nakata Market. I have to speak Japanese there. Sometimes I don’t understand what they’re saying but it’s fun. I like working there. Everyone is very nice.
      My cat’s name is Shampoo and my mom’s cat’s name is Natagiji. I call him Naji. Shampoo is very cute. She has black and white fur. She hates Naji, but they sometimes play together. Shampoo thinks of herself as fat so she doesn’t eat much. She’s on a diet. She’s very thin though. Naji always eats, he’s fat. Shampoo likes to talk to birds and people from my window. I love my kitties.
      I live in an apartment. All my neighbors are really boring. They don’t speak English and they’re all from Russia. I don’t go outside very often. There’s a lot kids and they’re very loud.

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2007/07/20
Title :
Name : 由佳/Yuka Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original)
    Hello. I am Yuka, a Japanese high school student.
    I love music, too and I often sing songs.
    I have become to listen to Western music these days.
    I like foreign artists because they are so coooooooool!!
    I like Beyonce.
    I want to sing Western songs well so I am studying English.
Title :
Name : 麻衣子/Maiko Age : 17 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original)
    Hello. I am Maiko. I live in Yokohama.

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