エブ/セントラルカトリック高校 (アメリカ オレゴン州)
Abe/Central Catholic High School (Oregon, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
My school picture
This is me in Hawaii during my 6th grade year
original textぼくの名前はAbeと申します。今セントラルカトリック高校で三年生です。セントラルカトリック高校はいい学校ですが、ぼくにセントラルカトリックの勉強はあまり難しくない。ぼくのせいせきは三年生たちの中でいいほうです。ぼくはセントラルカトリック高校のサッカー部に入っています。今年で三年れんぞくスターターになりました。今年もマウントフッドチャンピオンになれてうれしいです。また来年がんばって四年れんぞくマウントフッドチャンピオンになりたいと思います。ぼくはまだどの大学に入学するかきまっていません。今の気持ちではカリフォニアの大学に行きたいと思います。でも、ポートランド大学に入れたらいいことです。ぼくのお母さんいわくスタンフォード大学かハーバード大学に行ってほしいと言っています。


  My Life
original textMy name is Abe. I am a junior at Central Catholic High School. Even though Central Catholic is a very good school, the work content does not seem very challenging to me. My grade point average is one of the better ones in my junior class. I am also on the Central Catholic Varsity soccer team. I've been a starter for the team for 3 years in a row. We were successful in winning the Mt. Hood Conference again this year. I hope to win the conference again next year so it will make it 4 years in a row. I still do not know which college I want to attend. At this moment, I want to try and go to a college down in California, but if I were to get into university of Portland, I would still consider staying in Oregon. My mom wants me to go to a top college such as Stanford University or Harvard University.

I want to become either a doctor or a professional soccer player. My dream has been to become a doctor since I was a little boy. I like doing work that involves helping other people. Even though it is a lot of work to become a doctor, I still wish to try to become one. I want to go to a good university and learn new things. People that want to become a doctor have to go to school for more than 10 years. In order to become a doctor, you have to dedicate a lot of time and money. I also practice soccer everyday for many hours. The running for soccer is very hard. Sometimes the running is so hard, your chest starts to hurt or you have trouble breathing. I look forward to tournament times the most. You get to talk, play, and do all sorts of things with your team; it's as if they were your family. If I didn't become a doctor or a professional soccer player, I think I would cry. I'm just kidding about the crying part, but I think I would be very disappointed.

When I was little, I used to go on vacation with my family many times. I've been to Hawaii, California, Florida, Denver, and Japan. I've been to Hawaii 7 times. Every time we go to Hawaii, we go to the big island. Since we owned a condominium in Hawaii, we stay there for free.  In Hawaii, I've experienced surfing and scuba diving. When I went to California, I visited Disney Land. Since I was a kid, it was a lot of fun. In Florida, I went to Disney World. I still remember what it was like to go there. It truly is a child's dream land. Now that I'm 17, I don't think I would have as much fun there. On occasion I still go to Denver. The reason for this is that we have close family friends who live in Denver. We've been family friends for a very long time and it is always a pleasure to see them. I do not go to Japan as much as I used to and it is a very sad thing. I hope to go back to Japan one day to visit

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2007/03/22
Title :
Name : ローレン Age : 17 Country : USA
Title : こんにちは
Name : EMC Age : 17 Country : USA
Title : こんにちは
Name : M&K Age : 15 Country : USA

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