ベッキー/セントラルカトリック高校 (アメリカ オレゴン州)
Becky/Central Catholic High School (Oregon, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
original text私の名前はベッキーです。1番めのしゃしんは私のかぞくです。二年前にとりました。かぞくはお父さんとお母さんといもうと二人です。お父さんのしごとはナイキです。お母さんはしゅふ。みぎのいもうとはジュリアです。今十四さいです。ジュリアはカトリックのちゅう学校にいって、サッカーとバスケをします。あかちゃんのいもうとはミッシエルです。今二十二かげつです。ミッシエルがうまれたのにはおどろきました。ミッシエルはジュリアと十三歳、私と十六歳はなれています。わたしはセントラルカトリックこうこうでバスケを一年中しています。私のかぞくはうんどうが大好きで外であそぶのがすきです。私のかぞくはカトリックです。このしゃしんはカリフォルニアでミッシエルのせんれいをしたときです。わたしのしんせきはカリフォルニアにいます。だからカリフォルニアにいきました。私はかぞくがとてもすきです。


    3番めのしゃしんはわたしとジュリアとジュリアの友だちです。きょ年のなつトレリアムのみずうみにいきました。いっしょに魚つりをしました。そのニ日前、にじますをみずうみに入れたのでいっぱいつれました。みずうみはとてもきれいで、とても いい山 のけしきがみえました。わたしのうちからみずうみまでは四十五分です。だから夏にときどきみずうみであそびます。私のかぞくといっしょにいってキャンプもします。魚つりと、すいえいと、ボートと、ハイキングをします。このみずうみはモーターボートはだめです。だから私のかぞくはゴムボートをもっています。夏には三十どぐらいで、冬は雪がいっぱいふります。スキーをして、タイヤに乗ってあそびます。冬は山はとってもきれいで、夏はみずうみはとてもきれいだとおもいます。
original textMy name is Becky. The first picture is of my family two years ago. In my family have a father, mother and two little sisters. My father works at Nike and my mother is a house wife. My sister on the right is Julia. She is fourteen years old, goes to a catholic elementary school, and plays soccer and basketball. My baby sister is Michelle. She is twenty-two months. Her birth was a big surprise to our family. There is thirteen years between Julia and Michelle and sixteen years between me and Michelle. I go to Central Catholic High school and I play basketball all year round. My family and I are very athletic and we like to spend time out side. My family is Catholic. This is a picture my family at Michelle's Baptism in California. We went to California because my extended family lives in California.

In the summer of 2003, I went to Butchart gardens with my sister and grandmother. Butchart gardens are in Victoria, Canada. We took a car from Portland to Seattle and a boat from Seattle to Victoria. The boat was very fast and fun to ride. Butchart gardens have seven gardens. This is a picture of the Italian garden. The trees and flowers are very beautiful and my favorite flower was a big, red rose. The weather was sunny and the view was amazing. Butchart gardens were very fun. After Butchart gardens we went to a hotel. We stayed in Canada for two years. On our trip we saw Butchart gardens and a castle. The castle was old and big. The Canada trip was very fun.

The third picture is of me, my sister, and my sister's friend. Last summer we went to Trillium Lake to go fishing. The lake was stoked two days before we went fishing so we caught many fish. The lake's water is very nice and there is a great view of the mountain. The lake is forty-five minuets from my house so we go to the lake often in the summer. When my family and I go camping we fish, swim, boat, and hike. You can not have motor boats on the like so my family had an inflatable raft. In the summer it is about 90 degrees and in the winter it snows a lot. In the winter you can ski and inter-tube. I think the mountain is more beautiful in the winter but the lake is more fun in the summer.

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2006/10/25
Title : 写真きれいですね
Name : りさ Age : 18 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original text)
    Hello, my name is Risa. I am eighteen. Your photos are very nice.I want to visit many places of beautiful scenery.

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