エレーナ/セントラルカトリック高校 (アメリカ オレゴン州)
Elena/Central Catholic High School (Oregon, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
My school picture
Me & my sister
My cousins
original text私の名前はエレーナです。15才でセントラルカトリック高校の二年生です。私の家族は四人です。お父さん、お母さん、お姉さんと私です。私のお姉さんは大学生です。父は高校の校長先生です。母は小学校の先生です。私はオレゴン州、ポートランド市に住んでいます。家族と一緒にたくさんの旅行をします。ヨーロッパではイタリア、スイス、ドイツ、フランスに行ったことがあります。私は日本へ二回に行きました。アメリカでだいたい18州に旅行したことがあります。今年の春休み、メキシコに行きます。私は行くのは楽しみにしています。
original textMy name is Elena. I am fifteen years old, and a sophomore at Central Catholic High School. There are four people in my family, my mom, dad, older sister, and me. My sister is a freshman in college. My dad is a high school vice-principal, and my mom is a fifth grade teacher. I live in Portland, Oregon. I have traveled a lot with my family. We have gone to Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, and I have been to Japan twice. I have been to about eighteen of the fifty states. This spring break, my family is going to Mexico. I am very excited about going.
       My hobbies are sports, shopping, listening to music, and watching movies. I play soccer, and do rowing. My favorite sport is rowing. I also enjoy watching football with my family. My favorite movie right now is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I love Harry Potter, especially the books. I don't have a job. This summer, I am planning to get a part-time job as a bank teller.
       My sister's name is Brianna. She is eighteen, and goes to the University of Oregon. It is in Eugene, Oregon. My sister is in a sorority called Delta Gamma, and she really enjoys it. She lives in a dorm, and it is decorated really cute. The colors are pink and green. My sister's roommate is very nice, her name is Maddie.
       Brianna's hobbies are dancing, shopping, and listening to music. She loves shopping, and spends a lot of money. Because of this, she has a part time job. She works at the U of O bookstore. One time, I got to go visit my sister in Eugene. We went to an 80's party, and wore funny clothes. It was really fun.
       My family is very big. I have eleven cousins, and I am the fourth oldest. In this picture, we are all lined up from oldest to youngest. Two of my cousins live in Ashland, Oregon. They come to Portland and stay for about a week. Everyone else lives in Portland. Every summer, our whole family gets together and we have a really big party. A lot of people come and bring food. It is really fun. All of the cousins play together and eat. The party is held at my grandparent's house. They have a very big yard, so the kids can all run around. When we were little, all of the kids would sing and dance, putting on a show for the adults. We would wear costumes, and it was very entertaining.

コメント|Comment |评语|코멘트 2006/10/03
Title : 私も親戚いっぱいいるよ!
Name : ゆきえ Age :18 Country : 日本/Japan
  • (Original text)
    Hello!! Nice to meet you. My name is Yukie!
    (trarnslation )This is my first time e-mailing you. Let’s be good friends, all right? I also have lots of relatives! lol

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