ジョー/セントマークス高校(アメリカ テキサス州)
Jordan/St. Marks School of Texas (Texas, USA)
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My life is all about friendly competition. All the activities I'm involved in reveal my competitive nature, but I try to cultivate an extremely active sense of humor in order to ease the tension that my competitiveness creates. Thus, my personality can be summarized by a seemingly contradictory duality. I am sensitive and animated around my peers, but I am also predisposed to become sharply aggressive and cynical when faced with testing situations.
       The most obvious example of my competitiveness is debate. Debate is all about argumentation, biting observation, and cutting sarcasm. I have debated for four years, and over time, I have evolved into a very active analyst of current events and politics. Luckily, the other people I debated with are the perfect type of people to put up with such a confrontational person; they are always ready with a clever retort or an interesting argument. My debate partner, Mason, while not always up for a debate per say, always matches my verbal wordplay with clever and quick witted dialogue of his own. The rest of the debaters on our team are also very ready to verbally spar with me. My coach, a huge influence on my life for four years, is understanding and intelligent. Although he is a brilliant debater, he often comes to grip with new issues slowly and deliberately; it's easy to learn a lot from him. In short, I have been surrounded by people who have allowed my competitive spirit to grow in a nurturing way. My desire to win and succeed does not overrule the virtuous parts of my nature, but my thirst for victory can be a potent tool.
      My friends are all very competitive too; they have to be in order for them to put up with me. However, interestingly, my best friend is not competitive at all. I've learned a lot from his easygoing style. We do things together that is completely against my usual frame of mind. On the other hand, my other friends are all very competitive. They have learned to tolerate my competitiveness because they can often achieve more than me.
      On the weekends, depending on who I am with, we usually just drive around and meet friends or look for ridiculous situations to get involved in. Otherwise, we shoot pool or some other activity that pits one friend against another. Even in our conversations, there is a friendly drive for one person to beat the last person's comment. A failed attempt to one up the last person's comment usually results in good-natured ridicule. I think St. Mark's has been mostly responsible for my competitive drive, and a lot of times I wonder if my drive to succeed has interfered with other more profound parts of my life. Regardless of my thoughts, such debates are academic: I am who I am, and over the years, I've become fairly content being a cynical, yet happily animated person.

The Deai students are a diverse group and represent the different possible personalities of Japanese people. The amount of information given about them is informative, but it's probably impossible to truly understand their personalities from just a small informational caption about their life. Despite the limited scope of data given about their life, their essential characteristics still adequately represent a range of emotions and difficulties.
      I am most familiar with Yoo Yoo Jin. I thought her problems with depression were particularly poignant; overcoming sadness or other mental issues requires a lot of courage. Mental problems are also a very international issue. People in all parts of the world have to confront problems with their own character and resolve them to the best of their means. According to her story, Yoo Yoo Jin's parents were excessively strict and controlling. Strict parents are often the result of emotional stress; I have a few friends who suffer from stressful parents. None of them deal with parents that force them into taking time off from school, but dealing with parents is a balancing act that is difficult in any culture. Luckily, Yoo Yoo Jin decided to use aerobics and fitness as one way to ease her mind. While many methods can work, exercise is one good way to battle sadness because it gives immediate value and purpose to life; a healthy life can certainly be felt as a successful life. I try to work out everyday after school, not for mental problems per say, but I do like to try to take some imitative when it comes to my health. Like Yoo Yoo Jin says, “it felt really good to be physically active and work up a sweat.”
      As for the other Deai students, many of them also have universal problems and solutions. For instance, almost all of them are interested in things like sports and friends. While some of the students do express interest in particularly Japanese pursuits, many of them are concerned with issues many teenagers face. They are concerned with their future, their family situations, and what their friends think of them. Yoo Yoo Jin feels that her friends are a source of confidence and I think every teenager agrees with her view.
      I think my group of friends and I relate closely to the Deai students in some areas, but we are very different in other areas. For example, the Deai students live in Japan, an urban and industrialized country. In many regards, Japan's economic activity makes my economic experiences comparable to the marketing and produces found in Japan. On the other hand, land is cheap in America, and so I live in a relatively spread out house. In Japan, land is much more expensive, and many people live on small lots or in apartments. On the weekends, Japanese kids go out with their friends just like I do, but its probably very rare for them to drive to their friend's house and pick them up. Thus, certain dynamics change the experiences we grow up with.
      In short, although many things about being a teenager in Japan are different than being a teenager in America, the same human struggles unite us even across vast geographic and cultural space. After high school, the differences between an American life and a Japanese life grow even more pronounced. The American college experience is much more riotous and important than in Japan where college represents a time to sit back and relax after going to cram school for months leading up to a college entrance exam. Right now however, the average American teenager is not too different from the average Japanese teenager. A kid in Japan and a kid in America are both stepping into society and away from the support that has been given to them all their life.

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