メーソン/セントマークス高校(アメリカ テキサス州)
Mason/St. Mark's School of Texas (Texas, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Several students and myself pay close attention in calculus class so that we can minimize outside studying and increase the time we have to work on our extracurricular activities.
I review and discuss the material with a fellow students in the relaxed environment of the St. Mark's campus. Like other students, I often work with my peers to achieve a better understanding of the topics discussed in class.
I practice a concert piece briefly before rehearsal. I have been a trumpet player since the 5th grade, and have shared the first chair in the upper school band since the 10th grade. St. Marks has always produced excellent concert and studio bands, and I am proud to have been a part of them.
My debate partner and I engage in a practice debate. Tournaments are rare but very important, so it is paramount that my partner and I hone our skills beforehand so that we can be successful.
I race with a runner from another school at the SPC cross-country championships. After a long season of hard work, I ran extremely well and placed fourth out of around 150 runners from around Texas.
My cross-country team and I celebrate after our incredible victory at the SPC championships. Not only did we win by a large margin, our victory was the first cross-country victory St. Mark's had had in 13 years.


  The Runner's Tale

Varsity cross-country began with the scorching heat of the Texan summer of 2000. It exhausted me; the relatively small teamforced me to run with the varsity veterans and my previous two years of middle school cross-country had only begun to prepare me for the grueling transition to the varsity squad. I had always known I was a decent runner, but the incredible challenge confronting me and the significant gap I had to overcome eroded my confidence. I lacked the austere self-discipline required to strive for excellence in every arduous workout, and I was not yet willing to sacrifice in the meets, to hurt for the team. I was a frozen asset, a runner still behind the junior varsity barrier and unable to truly contribute to the team.
      However, halfway through the season, the assistant coach approached me and told me that he knew I could run faster, that there was more inside that I had not yet shown. He game the choice: I could either remain a freshman, a misplaced junior varsity runner, or I could rise above that, I could earn my place on the varsity and help the team. I made my decision, and I started to believe in myself. My workout that very day yielded times far faster than any previous workout; I had broken the barrier. At the conference meet that year, I placed fifth on the squad and contributed to our runner-up status in the conference.
      I had proven myself a true varsity runner, but I needed to do more. As I surveyed the team on the first day of the 2001 season I realized that I would have to prove myself worthy of captainship. I did just that. During my sophomore season I improved at unparalleled rates. I started finishing near the front of the varsity meets, and my times dropped significantly. I began dealing with pain, pushing myself to the limit, and at the conference meet that year I gave everything I had. I earned all-conference honors as a sophomore, achieved my goals, and proved myself worthy of leadership.
      As the 2002 season opened, I shifted focus again. I knew I could take care of myself as an individual, now as captain I needed to inspire and push the team. Confident I could earn ALL-SPC again, I wanted more than anything to lead the team to a conference victory, an honor St. Mark's had not won since 1990. Unfortunately, the 2002 season did not yield success. Our team was too young, too inexperienced. However, while the teams that beat us graduated many, we graduated none. If it had not been successful, our year had been formative. I had hope for 2003.
      The very first meet of 2003 season showed our potential; we soundly defeated the opposition. The team had matured; I had experience as captain and the ranks of the juniors, sophomores, and freshman were full. The team grew to its largest size in many years, and as the season progressed, the coach started running us in the highest divisions in the state, where we still performed exceedingly well. Our Morale soared, and I felt a unity, a brotherhood. We were not individuals; we were the St. Mark's cross-country team, and we were unstoppable. Halfway through the season, I told the coach about two important beliefs: that I would have the race of my life at the conference meet, and that the team would triumph. Both came to pass. At the SPC meet St. Mark's finished an unparalleled five runners in the top ten, crushing all other teams and earning their first championship in thirteen years. I shattered all of my previous times and came in fourth place, the first St. Mark's runner to cross the line. My dream had come true; I had led my team to victory.
      Now, as I write and reflect upon my years of running, their importance to me becomes clear. Most of what I learned in my studies in high school will never prove important. I will likely never need to solve calculus problems or understand the angular momentum of a bicycle wheel in my later life. High school is about developing, preparing oneself to deal with whatever happens in the future. For me, it is not in the classroom, but on the courses, on the back fields, and on the track that I really matured. I learned what it means to be critical part of a team, to sacrifice, to lead, and to pursue my dreams with everything I have. Running, laying it on the line every day with my teammates beside me, has contributed most to making me what I am. It was taken me from boy to man.

When I first heard about the Deai students, I expected them to be very different from me and my friends. However, as we read and learned about them, I soon discovered striking similarities between the Deai students and the students here. Except for a few minor cultural differences, their lives were more or less the same as ours, and they faced basically the same daily challenges as we did. For example, although the Japanese analog of band, Taiko drumming, is technically different, it functions as the same activity. I read most about Tamaki Shunichi, and, although I found his early life of crime slightly disturbing, he otherwise seemed to be a completely normal adolescent. He had to deal with peer pressure from the older boys when he was younger, and he had to escape the dangerous situation he found himself falling into when the pressure mounted. He reformed himself as he matured, and he helped teach his classmates when they had trouble getting into high school. He became a good leader and role model for his peers and found joy in music. All of these qualities are comparable to qualities in either me or my friends. Although I do not want to be a singer-songwriter, I ultimately discovered that I had a lot more in common with Tamaki than I would have imagined. Simply put, whether you're a male in Japan or America, you still think about college, sports, cars, and girls, and so on. The whole I found the Deai students easy to relate to and understand.

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