ニック/チャペルヒル高校(アメリカ ノースカロライナ州)
Nick/Chapel Hill High School (North Carolina, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
   ワシントンDCでの生活は楽しかったです。たくさんの友だちがいて、特に外で遊ぶのが好きで、ゲームをしたり、自転車に乗ったり、映画を見たりしていました。僕が3歳のころ、弟のスティーブンが生まれました。僕はとてもうれしかった反面、自分以外の誰かが注目されるのがいやで、一生懸命両親に数を数えてみせたり、字を読んだりして自分をアピールしました。次に妹が生まれ、そのときは幼稚園に妹を連れて行ってShow and Tell(訳注:品物を見せながらそれについて説明する発表の方法)をしたことを覚えています。
My story begins in a city named Tulsa, Oklahoma where I was born on September 29, 1987. My memories from that part of my life are a little blurry, because it only lasted for about three months before we were on the road to Chapel Hill, North Carolina. You see my father's job made him relocate. And about another three months later, we were on the road again but this time we were headed to the suburbs of Washington D.C. This is the place that I spent nine years of my life.
      I definitely loved it there, I had lots of friends, I went to a private school, and there were always things to do there. But one of my favorite hobbies while living there was playing outside. A little shocking, no? We had kids my age all along the street, and we would all get together and play games, ride bikes, watch movies. About a month after we moved into our new, two story, home, my mother became pregnant with my little brother or sister. I was excited, but at the same time I didn't like the idea of it. Someone is going to get all the attention except me!!! It ended up being a boy and they named him Steven. At this time I tried my hardest to impress my parents. At the age of three, I could sequence numbers, and I could read. And once again my mother was pregnant... this time with my baby sister. When she was born I can remember taking her into Pre-School and presenting her for show and tell.
      When I turned five, I started my first real school. Montessori School, that's what it was called. It was a private school, it didn't believe in tests, or homework. All we had to do was to try our best, and do hands on learning. It was great!!! I attended Montessori from kindergarten until the fourth grade. And then I got the most upsetting news of my life……."WE'RE MOVING." That's right, it was happening again. But this time it was for good. My parents told me that we were moving back to North Carolina. And I was angry. I couldn't believe that they would take me away from the only home that I had known, and put me out into the country with all the hillbillies. So inevitably I had to say goodbye to all my old friends, and start anew.
      June 30, 1997 we had moved into our apartment and I was miserable. There was no place to go and play and all I had was the parking lot, and I wasn't allowed to play in the road. And finally the day came for the first day of public school. Let's say that the kids weren't as friendly as the kids up in Maryland. Of course, I was the butt of everyone's jokes, and I had to suffer. It sucked! And the one huge difference between my old school and this new one was the fact that we had to take tests. But I had never taken a test before. So my first year of public school wasn't a very happy one. As I got older, school got easier, and I found my clique of friends. But I was still unhappy all throughout my eighth through my tenth grade year.
      I couldn't take it anymore and I came out to one of my friends. I had wanted to so bad for so long. It hurt me inside knowing that I was gay and not telling anybody about it. Especially my friends, because they would use slurs and it would eat me away from the inside. It makes me happy knowing that I am a role model for those who choose to come out. I have had so many people come up to me and say that “you were so brave," or “I've decided to come out as well." It is a great feeling and I hope it doesn't stop.
      So what happens next you ask…well I can't tell you right now because it is still being written. The chapters are endless, there are so many things I have missed, so many people I haven't mentioned that have been a huge influence on my life. But I let them know now that they are truly appreciated in my life as well as many others. Just a few people in particular….Steve, you are so funny and brighten up my day. Marissa, you know how much I adore you, and if I were straight I would date you in a second ^_^. Brittany, thank you for giving me the courage to be myself, I would have never gotten through this without you. James, your awesome, I can say no more. Kyle, what a character…ummm. And Sensei, the trust we share is irreplaceable, you are so much more than a teacher to me. For those who are graduating this year, good luck in everything you do. And remember, that I will always be there for you guys. Have fun writing the next chapters in each of your own stories, because you have made mine the best I can make it.

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