エミー/メナーシャ高校(アメリカ ウィスコンシン州)
Amy/Menasha High School (Wisconsin, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Cross Country: In the fall, I run cross-country for my high school. I began running cross-country when I was in eighth grade. In high school, I have been on the varsity team all three of the years I have run. I work hard every season to improve my times so that our team can do better. In the picture, I am number 192. That is during the conference cross-country meet.
       Throughout the season, the girls on the team become good friends. The picture of us in a circle is the entire girls’ varsity team. We enjoy spending time together. Our friendship makes it easier to get through some of the tougher runs.
Prom: Last spring, I went to prom. In America, prom is a formal dance. Usually, people go to the dance in couples. The couples rent limos, go out to dinner, go to the dance, and usually attend some sort of party afterwards. I went with my boyfriend, Seth (far right). Also in our group were my friend Emily and her boyfriend Rudy. We had a lot of fun.
My House: This is my house. I have lived in this house since the day I was born. The bottom floor of my house is the basement. Above that is our family room. Above that is the kitchen, porch, and living room. My bedroom is on the top floor, along with my sister and parent’s rooms.
My Confirmation: When I was 17, I got confirmed. In order to be confirmed, the candidates had to go through a class to learn about our faith. I am a Catholic. When you get confirmed, you are seen as an adult in the eyes of the church. You have to pick a sponsor in order to be confirmed. My sponsor was my aunt.
Christmas Tree: Every year at Christmas time, my family goes up north to cut down a Christmas tree. We walk around the tree lot looking for a Christmas tree to put in our family room. This is a picture of me, my older sister, my younger sister, my dad, and my dog in front of the Christmas tree we picked out. After we cut it down, we take it home and decorate it with lights and ornaments.
Older Sister’s Graduation: Last year, my older sister graduated from high school. The have a ceremony to honor all the students who graduated that year. My sister was in the Class of 2003. This is a picture of my older sister, my younger sister, and me after her graduation. After the ceremony, my whole family came back to my house and had a small party.
My 16th Birthday: This is my 16th birthday. On my birthday, my family buys a cake, and gives me presents. That year, I got my driver’s license. In America, you can’t get your driver’s license until you are 16 years old. This picture is of my sisters and I.
  翌年、チームは別の年齢部門へ移り、試合の半分ぐらいに勝ちました。わたしたちの最終目標は技術の向上、そして楽しむことです。わたしはレギュラーでよく得点もするのですが、その年は優勝することはできませんでした。  その次の年になると、その年齢部門で最年長のチームになりました。ほとんどの試合は勝ち、決勝戦に出場することもできました。がんばったのですが、2位になってしまいました。
  その次の年には、少し問題がありました。とても上手な選手のうちの2人が体操に集中するためにサッカー部をやめてしまったのです。そのシーズンの成績がどうなるか、不安でしたが、その不安は的中してしまいました。最初の6試合は1勝5敗。そのあとがんばって、残りの5試合は4勝1引き分けでした。  次のシーズンはすばらしかったです。やめた2人が戻り、メナーシャとアップルトンのトーナメントでは1位になりました。シーズン中、負けたのは1試合だけで、本当によくやったと思います。がんばったし、楽しむこともできました。

   My Life Story
The Beginning
October 14, 1986 was probably a very normal day for most people. For me and my family, however, it was the beginning of something very important. It was the start of my life. It was a day that my family will remember forever. It’s a day that I cannot even remember, yet it was probably the most important one in my life.
       I was born at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital at 8:21 in the morning. It was snowing, and obviously very cold. I was unaffected by the weather, because I was in a warm hospital with my family surrounding me.
       I was a very unusual toddler. I never crawled, like most babies do. I rolled everywhere. I even won a race against other babies one time rolling as fast as I could. My parents got free diapers for a prize. That may seem like a boring prize, but my sister and I stacked them up on top of each other and climbed on them.
       On January 29, 1988 my little sister Ashley was born. She wasn’t like me. She crawled instead of rolling. I guess you could say that she was more normal than me, but she never won any contests. My way may have been strange, but it was definitely faster.
       When I was young I enjoyed trying to help my mom around the house. I always tried to help her take care of my little sister. I tried to change her diaper and keep her happy. Most of the time I just ended up making my mom do a lot more work than she had originally, but at least I tried to be helpful.
       When I was a toddler, my mom had a part time job as a medical transcriptionist at a doctor’s office. On the days she worked my sisters and I went to Peace of Mind Daycare Center. It was a very good experience for me, both educational and social. While I was there I made my first real friends, one of whom I am still friends with today. Anyway, the days there were very routine. When everyone arrived in the morning we had an introduction to the day. At this time we talked about the day of the week and the weather. After that, there was a craft to make or an activity to do. Then, we had lunch, followed by a long afternoon outdoor recess. After that it was naptime. Naptime is one of the few things that I still fail to understand. First of all, nobody ever slept. Second, we had to try to sleep with our shoes on! They said that we did that just in case there was a fire, that way we could save time getting outside. I guess that makes sense, but I still think it was weird. After that we pretty much just had free time to do whatever we wanted until our parents came to pick us up. Most of that time was spent building with blocks or playing in the sand box. The preschool I went to sounds pretty normal, but it gave me an extraordinary experience. It gave me an educational experience.
Elementary School
I went to elementary school at Clovis Grove Elementary School in Menasha. I only remember a few years of that school. The first year I can remember is second grade. I had an awesome teacher. We did a lot of fun hands-on activities, and we learned a lot. One of the things I remember most is that we got to race worms. First we went outside and caught our worms. Then, we constructed a small maze for our worms to race through. I don’t think that any of the worms made it all the way through the maze, but we had fun anyway.
       In third grade I was accepted into the ALPS class. ALPS is an acronym for Accelerated Leaning Program Sequence. Even though we were in a “high” class most of us didn’t think of ourselves as being more superior than the other students in the school. Our main goal was to have a lot of fun and learn things along the way.
       In third grade a project that I remember was called “Night of the Notables.” It was very similar to Maplewood’s “Night of Celebrities,” but ours was more in depth and involved. We had to do a lengthy report and presentation on the person we chose to study, then we got to dress up and actually become that person. I chose to be George Bush, the 41st president of the United States. I made a poster with old pictures of him and his family. The poster also had information and other things on it. I dressed up in a dress coat and dress pants. It was kind of fun going around and trying to guess who all the people were supposed to be. It was also interesting to see all the creative costumes the kids were wearing. I think everybody had a lot of fun.
       I had the same teacher in fourth grade that I had in third grade. In fourth grade, I remember a field trip we took to Madison. We took a tour through the capital. We were only in fourth grade, so we all thought it was pretty boring. After that, however, we got to go to a real courthouse. We got to put on a mock trial. I got to act as the judge. The play we did was about Jack and Jill. Little Bo Peep was suing Jack and Jill because when Jack and Jill fell down the hill, her sheep got scared and some got lost. Little Bo Peep wanted to be compensated for her lost sheep. We all voted, and we found Jack and Jill guilty. Their punishment: to say sorry and to pay Little Bo Peep for her lost sheep. As you can probably tell, it was a little confusing, but a lot of fun.
       I can’t really remember anything extraordinary happening to me in school in fifth grade. We did a lot of educational projects, but none of them really stick out in my mind. It was a year when I got to reflect on my entire ALPS experience. I had basically been with the same kids all three years, so I knew the group really well.
Middle School
After elementary school, I was a little afraid to be starting middle school. In my old elementary school, we had one teacher, one classroom, and we didn’t have a strict discipline system. I knew that Maplewood had lots of teachers, lots of classrooms, and a harsh discipline system. I was also afraid because when I was in fifth grade there were a lot of reports of major violence at middle schools nationwide. All of these things made me very cautious about starting school at Maplewood.
       When school started I soon learned that middle school wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be. Most of the teachers were nice, and the Honor Level System wasn’t quite as terrible as I had heard it was. Finding the classrooms was a little difficult at first, but it got a lot better as the year went on.
       When I was in sixth grade, I made a lot of new friends, but I kept a lot of my old ones too. I started sitting at different lunch table and associating with different groups. I found a group of people who were really nice, so I started to sit with them at lunch a lot. Well, it’s two years later, and even though some more people have come to the table, and a few have left, I still enjoy sitting there.
       Many things happened my sixth grade year. The blue team had a “birthday party”. It was supposed to be a celebration for all the kid’s birthdays that year. We got to play games outside, and we had ice cream. It was fun just to get a day off and relax.
       Seventh grade was a good year for me too. I remember a trip we took to 1000 Islands Nature Center. It was really fun. We got to try to build a fire using only the natural things around us, plus one match. My group was very unsuccessful. We also got to build a fall-out shelter. Our group was doing great until a group of boys sabotaged our structure. It was fun anyway. When we got back to school, all the kids who didn’t get to go on the field trip said that we smelled like smoke. I guess we probably did, but we didn’t really care. We knew we had a lot more fun than they did that day.
       In eighth grade, I also had a lot of fun. I was able to go with the class on a field trip to Washington D.C. and New York. We went on the trip during spring break. We got to go in the Statue of Liberty, as well as visit many other famous memorials. It was a really good time.
High School
So far, high school has been awesome for me. Some of the things I have really enjoyed have been cross-country and the school dances. High school offers a lot of preparation, both in academics and in social life.
I have been studying the Japanese language and culture since first grade. It is a very difficult language to speak and write. They have three different writing systems. The hardest, kanji, consists of over 1,500 characters. I know how to write the other two, katakana and hiragana.
       I feel very comfortable writing hiragana and katakana. I have known how to write it since about second or third grade. When I first started studying hiragana, I thought that it just looked like a bunch of scribbles. My teacher did a really good job of teaching it to us. She made up a story about every character to help us remember how to write it. Today, I know them both very well.
       The Japanese culture is very different from the American culture. The Japanese have houses that are much different than those we have here. In Japan, you can only wear shoes outdoors. If you go into a house, business, restaurant, or other place, you have to slip off your shoes and put on slippers. When the Japanese eat their meals, they eat on tatami mats. Tatami mats are mats made of woven straw. They don’t eat sitting in chairs. They either kneel or sit cross legged.
       I think that taking Japanese will have many advantages for me in the future. If I continue taking it through college, I will be able to earn a minor degree in Japanese. It will also help me if I become involved in business. If I need to make some sort of deal with someone from Japan, I may not have to hire an interpreter, because I will know how to speak the language.
       In the summer before my first year of high school, I went to Japan. I visited Wakayama, Gunma, Tokyo, and Kusatsu. I stayed with host families in three of the four prefectures. I had a lot of fun, and hope to go back again someday.
I have played sports for almost my whole life. I like most sports, but my favorite is soccer, followed by cross country. If I had to guess, I’d say that I like these sports because I have been fairly successful in them.
       I started playing soccer in first grade. To tell the truth, I was pretty terrible. I was often frustrated, and I didn’t have much fun. Then in between my first and second season, I really concentrated on soccer. I mastered most of the basic skills, and even came up with a few moves of my own. I felt confident, and I hoped to show my new coach some of the new skills I had acquired. At the first practice, I scored about eight goals in the scrimmage. I was really excited. As the season progressed, I became one of the most consistent players on the team. I even helped our team win the league championship that year.
       The next year, our team had to move up to a new age division. We won about half our games. Our main goal was to improve our skills, and have fun. I was consistent player and one of the top scorers, but we didn’t win the championship that year.
       The next year we were the oldest in our division again. We won most of our games. We even made it to the championship game. We played hard, but we ended up losing and taking second place.
       The next year started with a few problems. Two of our best players were forced to quit soccer because of their commitment to gymnastics. We were doubtful about the upcoming season. Then, we found out that our season was everything we had feared it would be. We started out the season with one win and five losses. Then, we all started to try harder. We won four out of our last five games, and we tied the other one.
       The following season was a great one. We had most of the players back from the previous year. The two players that had quit the year before came back to soccer. We took first place in the Menasha and Appleton tournament that year. During the whole season we only lost one game. We were really proud of ourselves. We had worked really hard, and had a lot of fun.
       After that year of soccer, we went into a higher level. We could now have kids from anywhere in the state play for our team. We have a lot of people from my school, as well as some kids from the surrounding area. We don’t win as much as we used to, but we still have a lot of fun.
       Since eighth grade, I have participated in cross country. It is a really hard sport. You have to learn how to pace yourself so that you can consistently run two miles in the meets. You also have to learn how to breathe right. Even though it is very difficult, my team and I still have an awesome time.

The pictures give me a good picture of what life in Japan is like. Sometimes, it is easy to get a mental picture that isn’t necessarily correct. The cards give good pictures and explanations.
       They make you realize that life in Japan isn’t all too different than ours. They enjoy doing some of the same values. The cards tell interesting stories that teach us about their life. There is also a good variety of activities shown, so that all kinds of people can take interest in them. The pictures are colorful and entertaining, and the descriptions do a good job of telling what’s going on.

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