カール/メナーシャ高校(アメリカ ウィスコンシン州)
Carl/Menasha High School (Wisconsin, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
School Musical: Every year I participate in the school musical. My freshmen year we performed the show Grease. I played the role of Doody, basically a comic relief character. My friends, who were also in the play with me, had a camera and we decided to take funny pictures. In this picture we posed as homosexuals.
Swim Team: I am on my high school’s swim team. I have been swimming competitively since fifth grade, and this year I was elected captain of the team. This picture was taken at a swim meet. My team tied for fourth place at the state meet this year.
New Lacrosse Head: For my birthday I received a new lacrosse head from my mother. I play lacrosse for my high school team. I play mid-field and have started since my freshmen year. I like playing lacrosse, but in Wisconsin it is not a very popular sport. In America there are three different seasons for school activities, Spring, Summer, and Fall, and each season you can participate in a different sport.
My Dogs: This is a picture of my dogs lying on me as I lie on the coach. My grandmother’s dog is sitting at my feet. My dog’s names are Ender and Spoon; my grandmother’s dog’s name is Par. My dogs are small and cute but they are not very obedient.
Cross Country: I participated in cross country the last two years, but this year, I felt that if I continued, my legs would surly fall off at the knee. While I really liked the people on the cross-country team, I hated the pain involved with running with a passion.
My Cousin Kate: My cousin Kate is in this picture with me. She lives in the state of Oregon and this picture was taken while I was visiting her. She is older than me and very fun to hang out with.


My name is Carl. I am from the little town of Menasha Wisconsin, affectionately called M-town. There really is not a whole lot you can do living here. There are no real big cities near by and I am not old enough to go into bars, which in some neighborhoods outnumber houses, but even with the geographic hindrance I have managed to keep busy with assorted activities.
      Ever since I was a little kid I have been involved in acting. My dad wrote children’s plays as a living for a while and I would usually get small roles in them when I was about six. I have continued to act, even though my dad has since discontinued children’s plays, and have had solid parts in the musicals at my high school. I have made many friends while acting, even though theater kids can sometimes get a little scary, but generally the kids I am in shows with are good kids. Next year, my senior year, I should have a big lead in the musical at Neenah High and everyone should come see it, it will rock.
      The activity that takes the largest amount of my time and effort, besides just wasting time, is swimming. I have been swimming since fifth grade, and even though I am really not that great, I still spend hours each week getting ready for the upcoming season. I train almost all year, with a few weeks off actual swimming twice a year, we try to do the best we can and work out hardest. This year my team chose me to be the team captain. I really was honored with their decision and I think I can do a decent job, but it is a lot of responsibility so there is a good chance of me completely screwing up. Last season our team got fourth place in the state, and next year we are expected to do even better, so our hopes are high and a state title may be waiting just over the horizon.
      I have two dogs and they are the cutest animals you have ever seen. Their names are Ender and Spoon and without them I think everyone in my family would have gone crazy a few years ago. There are few things better than a little wriggling fur ball licking your chin when you are feeling a little down, and even though they are small they have huge hearts.
      Wait a minute I haven’t talked about my family at all yet, and where would I be without them? I am from family of six, a mom, dad, three boys, and a girl. My mom, Jean, is a principal at an elementary school. She loves music and cleaning things, I think. My dad lives in Connecticut and I am not really sure what he does. He spends most of his time on his computer doing things, but I do know he writes a lot of music. My oldest brother Anton lives in Brooklyn, New York City. He works at a hotel in Manhattan where he gets to meet all sorts of famous people, and he has a band that just put out a CD (check them out at www.m-labmusic.com). My other brother Will, who is also older, is going to college at the University of Marquette where he is studying to become a pediatrician with a Spanish minor. I am the third child and this whole paper is about me so I think that will do. My little sister, Sarah, is a piece of work. At the tender age of 13 the girl has more major issues than the United Nations. I find it hard to believe at times, but I guess that is normal for girls her age. That pretty much takes care of my family; we’re a decent group.
      The other sport I get involved in is Lacrosse. I play for an area club team; our first game of the season is actually today. We are a good team and should have a fairly successful year. I have been playing since eighth grade and have really enjoyed it the whole time. I play attack this year, which is a change for my, the last two years I have been playing mid-field. My brother and a few of his friends actually started our team, which was the first in the area, themselves. I bought myself my stick with money I made working.
      Speaking of working let’s talk about my job. I work at a local movie theatre, and I hate it. I have been working there for almost a year and a half, but I still only make $5.60 an hour. I do not understand how that is possible. I also cannot handle the extreme redundancy of the job itself, if anything different from the standard routine happened I might have a brain aneurism. The only reason I don’t quit is that I get to watch movies at the theatre for free, and I have become addicted to this privilege. I really don’t think I could let myself pay to watch movies after working at the theatre; it is really not worth it after knowing that they are just as good for free. My job is so boring that I will usually end up standing around thinking about how I could hurt myself to get out of work making the optimal amount of but with the minimum amount of permanent damage.
      I really enjoy music. Well I think everyone does, but I am just letting you know that I enjoy music. I really like making music; I like it more than listening to it. I am a decent vocalist and I used to be a good saxophone player until I stopped practicing. I have been in a few bands other than school bands. My brother and I started out own jazz ensemble a while ago that was together until he went to college, we were good enough to actually get paid a few times. Then we had a rock band for about two months, and we had one good show and one show that made all the gods of music look down on us with fury it was so bad. Hopefully I will have a band this summer, but I can never be sure.
      Well, that does it for me; see you around.

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