クリスティン/メナーシャ高校(アメリカ ウィスコンシン州)
Christine/Menasha High School (Wisconsin, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Me: I go to Menasha High School in Menasha, Wisconsin in the USA. I don’t like it here because it’s small and boring, but I guess it could be worse. I hate school and hate math and, lately, science. I love orchestra, lunch, study hall, and, of course my favorite, history. I love listening to music and watching movies. My favorite band is Rammstein, my favorite movie is The Convent, and my favorite color is black. I love playing the viola and have played it for eight years. I played the piano for about 11 ½ years before I quit due to lack of motivation; I also played the flute for a year in fifth grade. I started taking my first dance class in first grade and now continue to dance today; I’m in jazz, tap, funk jazz, and lyrical classes during the school year. Dance is one of my favorite things to do, but it takes a lot of hard work. I like to be alone a lot because I am an only child, but enjoy talking to my friends online. I have a big fear of talking on the phone for an extended period of time, it freaks me out, I sound funny, and I never know what to say, so I prefer to talk online or in person. I love summer vacation, because I get to lay around and sleep until 2 in the afternoon everyday, lay out in the sun, or lock myself up in my room; all for 3 glorious months.
My House: We’ve lived in this house since I was in second grade; this picture is a little old, but it looks pretty close to what it looks like now. We also have a tennis court on the side of the house, but it’s not visible in the picture. I like my house except for the fact that it’s brown. My room is nice and big with posters all over the walls and ceiling. It gets pretty messy, but I don’t mind, my mom, however, has a different opinion. My bathroom is very ugly also, it’s gold. I hate it, but it was like that when we moved in and my parents didn’t want to attempt to replace the gold bathtub, so we left it as it was. My mom changed it into a “Packer” bathroom. Wisconsin’s pro-football team is the Green Bay Packers whose team colors are green and gold. My mom is a huge packer fan so she decided to change my bathroom to her liking.
ちちとははとわたしはWisconsin, USAにすんでいます。ちちのなまえは MattとははのなまえはDebbieです。
My Family and Exchange Students: This is a picture of my parents and I during the summer saying goodbye to my Japanese exchange student Chihiro. I am an only child, but have had numerous exchange sisters in the past. I’ve had eight teenage exchange sisters, five adult exchange sisters, and one adult exchange brother; they’re all from Japan. I like learning about the people who stay at our house and enjoyed telling my host families in Japan about me when I traveled to Japan.
My dad is the vice-president and co-founder of his business, my mom works for him. My dad’s business deals with building electrical things that go into lawn mowers, fire engines, and such. My parents and I live in a big, brown house, which we’ve been living in for around nine years.
MaureenさんとKailaさんはたのしいです。Maureenさんのニックネームは Beamay、KailaさんのニックネームはK-Laです。
Friends From Childhood: This picture is from a birthday party I had in elementary school. I had a lot of friends growing up and am still friends with quite a few of the same people today. However, the majority of the people in the picture are either now acquaintances or they just aren’t my friends. I am still very good friends with Maureen and Kaila, but have lost touch with Katie; I have not seen her in many years. I hope to see her again someday, it would be nice. During my childhood I usually had a great time playing with my friends, even though I preferred to be alone.
Back Row (L-R): Kaila, Sarah, Kayla. Middle Row (L-R): Rachel, Katie, Sara, Jessi, Liz, Emilie. Front Row (L-R): Kerri, Maureen, Amy, Kristine.
Halloween: This picture is from Eric’s Halloween party in 2003, I was dressed up as Trinity from the Matrix movies. I anxiously look forward to it every year. I love dressing up, eating all of the candy, and love the ghosts, bats, and the rest of the spooky stuff that comes with it. I wish Halloween lasted all year; someday I wish to have a big spooky house and decorate it like it is Halloween all year. This picture is from Eric’s second Halloween party, it was really fun. I love going to his Halloween parties, it’s fun to see everyone there all dressed up and having a good time. It’s always hard deciding what to be for Halloween; it’s March and I’m already trying to decide for this upcoming Halloween. As of right now it looks as if I will be dressing up as Sailor Jupiter. Some of my friends are also planning on being Sailor Scouts. It should be fun!
Back Row (L-R): Tyler, Meddida, someone, Allison, Mike, Mallory, Josh, Kyle, Megan, Becky, Drew, Beamay. Middle Row (L-R): Me, Michelle, Eric, Trevor, Kaila, Paul. Front Row (L-R): Sam, Krusten, James, Nicki.

   My Rockin' Life
My name is Christine, I am 17 years old and live in Menasha, Wisconsin in the U.S.A. I am a junior at Menasha High School and hate it very much. I hate school as a whole, but love Orchestra and History. I plan on going to college to become an Anthropologist and moving away from Wisconsin. For now, though, I’m dragging myself through my teenage years hoping that I won’t go insane.
       During the school year I’m very busy with school, dance classes, viola lessons, and Youth Symphony rehearsals. When I’m not doing those things I like to watch TV and movies, talk to myself, jump on my trampoline, go on the internet, talk to friends online, eat candy, and listen to music. My favorite kind of music is metal. My favorite band is Rammstein; I also like Static-X, Murderdolls, System of a Down, Marilyn Manson, Disturbed, Korn, Kittie, etc. I also really love watching movies, my favorite is The Convent; I also like Finding Nemo, Lord of the Rings 1, 2, 3, Star Wars, The Little Mermaid, Pirates of the Caribbean, Matrix 1, 2, 3, Cannibal the Musical, The Ring, Rocky Horror Picture Show, U-571, etc. My favorite actor is Dominic Monaghan. My favorite color is black, I also like pink, red, purple, and blue.
      I’ve been to Japan and France and will be going to Germany next summer after I graduate. I went to Japan twice, the first being a school trip and the second through a group outside of school. I really loved Japan and can’t wait to go back. I went to France recently for a band and orchestra trip. It was a lot of fun! I can’t wait for my trip to Germany, because I’m really interested in German and Germany. I’m going there with a couple of my friends, it’s going to be great! I went to New York City and Washington D.C. in eighth grade for the eighth grade field trip. I had so much fun and saw many things. Honestly, though, I’ve seen so many memorials and monuments that if I never see one again, I’ll die happy. We saw the MTV studio in NYC and stood across the street from it while they were taping TRL, Janet Jackson was there that day, but it was really boring. I went to Atlanta last year for orchestra which was also really fun. I enjoyed the weather, but people move really slow down there; as a person who generally moves quite fast it was aggravating. During the bus ride down to Atlanta we stopped in Tennessee and found out from someone’s parent that school had been cancelled for the next day due to a snow storm. We laughed because we were outside in T-shirts and warm weather. I heard that we may be going to Canada next year for orchestra, but it’s not certain. Personally, I don’t care to go to Canada but would much rather go somewhere like California or Hawaii.
      I started taking dance classes in first grade and now take jazz, funk jazz, tap, and lyrical classes. I started playing the viola in fourth grade and started playing the piano when I was four; but quit taking lessons when I was 15. I also played the flute in fifth grade, but that only lasted a year. I used to play softball and tennis during the summer, but eventually I lost interest and quit.
      During the summer I lay around all day, sleep in until two in the afternoon, and go to bed around three or four in the morning. Usually every year we go camping with friends and visit my grandma up north. My friends say I’m a hermit, because I don’t socialize much with people outside of school, stay at home instead of going out, and never call anyone. I hate talking on the phone, it scares me.

I think the cards are a good way to learn about other people in other countries. They’re a good way to show the world about your culture and what makes you unique. They also show similarities between people across the world. They do similar things as me, but also different things. It’s really interesting to see how I am like other people from a different part of the world. I really enjoy learning about people in different cultures and how they live their life.

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