ジャネル/メナーシャ高校(アメリカ ウィスコンシン州)
Janelle/Menasha High School (Wisconsin, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
これは私と商業高校の友達です。私が留学した時です。この時、私たちは中国にいました。2年生の中国旅行でした。この写真は万里の長城でとりました。  万里の長城の経験はとてもすばらしかったです!
This picture is of my high school friends and I. It was taken at the time when I was an exchange student. My class took a trip to China, and I was fortunate enough to be able to go with them. This shot was taken at the Great Wall of China! My experience at the Great Wall was amazing! I never thought I would be able to go there, I was very lucky!
私は日本ぶようが出来ます。留学生の時に習いました。毎週日曜日に、先生と一緒に踊りを練習しました。この写真は  ロータリーのクリスマスパーティでとりました。みんなの前で踊りをしました!こわかったけど、楽しかったです。
I can do Japanese Traditional Dance! I learned it when I was an Exchange Student. Every Sunday, after I went to church, I would go to a different town and practice with my teacher. In this picture, I am dancing at the Christmas Party of my Rotary Club—The Sasebo Nishi Rotary Club in Nagasaki Prefecture. It was very scary to dance in front of so many people, but I had fun!
This is me when I was six months old! I live in Wisconsin now, but as a child I lived in California, which is where this picture was taken. When I was a child, I would often sit with my great grandfather and watch wrestling, and my father would take me with him everywhere to teach me about mechanics. Those were my workman's overalls. My mom said that I used to love them!
This is my grandfather and I on our Texas vacation. It was so much fun! My grandfather is a Deacon in the Catholic Church, and I enjoy seeing him every week. Religion is very important in our family. I am very happy that I got to take this vacation with him, because I will soon be moving out and I will not be able to see him as much. Seeing the Texas wildlife was amazing! It is very different from Wisconsin's. America's topography varies so much from place to place – but this makes every vacation interesting! While in Texas, I got to see an armadillo, that was so neat! I am sure I will never get to see one again!
The other exchange students and I! This picture was taken in Nara, on a Rotary Orientation. We all lived in Nagasaki and Saga Ken for one year, and were allowed to meet each other once a month. It was so much fun to be together and I loved them very much. Over the year, we grew very close. We were like a family. They taught me so much about life and love. We also helped each other to learn Japanese. I miss them and I hope to see them again some day!

   The Deepness
My Future
I am very excited to begin my post high school education. I have enlisted in the United States Navy for six years, but I want to go career and become an officer. I am going to be a CTI (Cryptologic Technician Interpretive) working in Intelligence with highly classified material. Working with languages and serving my country is what I have always wanted to do.
      After I complete my two year Naval training, I want to work towards an International Business Degree from Monterrey University. The business and the economy has always fascinated me, and I would like to learn more.
      Education is a big part of my future, but I also want a family. I want to adopt children, and possibly get married. I am looking forward to my future!
My Family
Family has always played a very key role in my happiness. They have done so much to prepare me for anything that may come my way.
      I have two younger brothers, and my parents are divorced. My mother re-married, so I have a father and a step-father. I love them all, and appreciate everything they have done to get me so far in life.
My Town
I live in a very small town of only about 15,000 people. My school has just 1,200 students, but Menasha has always been a great place to live. We are not too busy, and not too slow. We have plenty of fun things to do, and if you can't find exactly what you want, we are close enough to large cities that a short car ride will take us to just about anything and everything. I am going to miss Menasha when I move away, but hopefully I can find a new town which I can come to love just as much.
My School
Most of my school memories are from high school. I was a freshman in 2000, and will now graduate as a senior in 2004. My high school has an excellent administration, and very knowledgeable staff. I have become great friends with many of my teachers, not just fellow classmates. At my Menasha, everybody is treated with equal respect, and given the same opportunities. My teachers have been instrumental in support and pushing me towards my future, I am very grateful to have attended Menasha High.
What I am Passionate About
Expressing myself has always been my passion. Be it through music, posters, my clothes, or activities, it is very important for me to show my true colors. I have taken a great liking to interior decorating. It is an awesome way to express my attitude of the time. My views and ideas change from time to time, and you can see this reflected in the way I present my room, my locker at school, and other things.
      I am looking forward to having my own apartment which I can decorate as I please. More than likely, it will be very colorful, with many posters and pictures representing my points of view.
What I Have Been Thinking About Recently
I will graduate and leave for the Navy very soon, and that thought is never far from my mind. All I can think about is graduation, and starting out on my own. I have always been a very independent person, and I want very much to be in charge of my own home, finances, and so on. I hope to make a successful career for myself and make a nice home. I am looking forward to having my own apartment and my own rules for my apartment. It will be great fun!

So far, it's been fun to see the Deai pictures. It has been nice to see Japanese school life again. I was very surprised by the girl who went to the liberal arts school. I didn't know they had liberal schools in Japan.
      Seeing these pictures has given me some great ideas. I am excited to start taking pictures on my own. I will need to get a nice camera, though! My camera doesn't take very nice pictures.

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