ジョリーン/メナーシャ高校(アメリカ ウィスコンシン州)
Jolene/Menasha High School (Wisconsin, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Gerri and I in Hawaii: Last summer, we traveled to Hawaii on a science trip through school. It was a blast, we both had a great time. Gerri and I had so much fun at the luau we attended, which is where this picture was taken. There were hula dancers, a huge feast of delicious food, and many friends that night. Hawaii was truly a memorable experience.
このひとは ちちがたのいとこです。
My Family: These are my cousins on my father’s side of the family. There are many more than seen here in the picture, which means we have quite a large family. The girl on the left of me is Stephanie, who is the same age as me. The older boy on my right is my younger brother Devin who is 15. The other children are Marina, Cameron, and Brendan. I love all of them very much.
このひとたちは わたしの こうこうの すいえいチームのひとです。
Swimming: I have been swimming for three years now, and I really enjoy it. I swim the breaststroke for our varsity team. Next year, I will be on of our team’s captains. I cannot wait until the swimming season starts next fall. Swimming is a good sport to be involved in because you make lots of new friends, and it is a great workout!
Homecoming: This is a picture from the homecoming dance. Every fall, my high school has a formal dance in which a girl goes with a boy. All the girls wear fancy dresses, and get their hair done. While the boys usually wear a nice outfit as well. The couple goes out to eat for dinner before the dance, and then arrives at the actually dance. Homecoming is really fun because of the great music and happy people.
このひとは にほんからきた りゅうがくせいです。
Host Student: This is my Japanese host student. Her name is Maki, and she stayed with me last summer. In this picture, we are standing in front of my house, which is located in the city. Maki and I had a really fun time together. I showed her around Menasha, and brought her to the mall as well. Although Maki only stayed with me for a short time, we still made a lasting friendship.
ハワイで うまに のりました。
Horseback Riding: It was such a glorious time riding that massive beast for two hours. My horse’s name was Miss T, and she was a feisty one. Not only did my horse poop a lot, but she also got in fights with the other horses nearby. We rode out horses all around the Hawaii countryside, and got to see some beautiful things. There were rolling green hills, and blue skies everywhere. Hawaii was truly a beautiful place.
ハワイで ようがんを みました。
Observing a Lava Flow: In Hawaii, we got to watch lava. The live, hot lava was very awesome to watch. It was the best experience of my entire life. The group of students in this picture stayed a couple extra hours just to witness the lava flow at night. It was extremely hot, yet beautiful at the same time. The lava flowed very slowly, so we were able to actually get right up in the action. I hope that in the future, I will be able to return to another lava flow, and witness more breath taking action.
このひとは いちばんすきな ともだちです。
My Friends: From left to right, there is me, Trisha, Gerri, and Brittany. All of us went to Hawaii together, and had a really good time. In this picture, we are on a small island, among the palm trees and ocean. There was sand all over, and hardened lava everywhere. I couldn’t believe me eyes when I stepped off the plane and was in Hawaii. I recommend Hawaii as a vacation destination to anyone who loves tropical weather.
   Jolene's World
Growing Up
I was born in Neenah, Wisconsin at Theda Clark Hospital on June 17, 1987. I don’t remember much about my early years, but I do remember liking to sleep an awful lot. Back in my younger years, I attended Jefferson Elementary School, in which I first learned about the Japanese language. I remember having ice cream socials that were very fun. There was so much ice cream, that you could get sick eating it all, but boy was it tasty. I also remember having Christmas concerts at the High School auditorium. One year, we sang a song about losing our two front teeth. It was actually quite ironic because at the time, both of my two front teeth had already fallen out. Another year we did a play called “Black and White” which was quite a hoot. I got to play the part of the frog, and had one line. It was funny, because even though I only had one line, I still went home every night and practiced it in front of the mirror. I loved life back when there were no worries or stressful things.
My Family
My family consists of my younger brother Devin, my mother Diane, and my father Tim. Every year for Christmas, my mom’s side of the family all gets together at someone’s house to celebrate. The night is filled with laughter, singing, eating, and games. I know that every year, I enjoy seeing all of my distant, and some not so distant, relatives. Besides seeing everyone, I also get to pig out. The food is the best in town. I usually stuff myself full of pie, turkey, and mashed potatoes. By the end of the night, I feel like I have gained 100 pounds. After everyone eats, we all gather in the dining room around two huge tables in preparation for BINGO! My family plays bingo every year for door prizes. Although the prizes may not be that great, I still have the time of my life playing the game for hours. Once, I won some lotion from Bath and Body Works, while another time, I only won a box of Kleenex. I love celebrating Christmas with my family, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
My Musical Journey
One day long ago, back when I was only in the first grade, I went to the local mall with my mother and grandmother. Little did I know that the events of that day would have great significance for the rest of my life. At the mall, a man was playing a funny looking instrument, which I later found out was a piano. From the moment I heard him play, I knew I wanted to do it too. I begged my mom for a year after that day to let me take piano lessons. Eventually she gave in, and I began to play. I started lessons and was immediately hooked. Now, 10 years later, I consider myself to be a good piano player. Everyday when I come home from school, I sit on my wooden bench and play. For a while I was into playing Jazz, but now, I have moved into the softer, more romantic type of music. Piano is not only a hobby, but also my passion. This past summer, I went on a trip for two weeks, and I practically died because I missed playing so much. I have shared my talent with many people, making it a worth while investment of my time and energy. I have been playing at nursing homes for years now, and enjoy it. I have also played piano at several weddings, which was very rewarding, and quite an honor. My latest request has been at church. Every Sunday, I play the Sunday school opener. On occasion I also play for church services. There has never been a time in my life in which I haven’t been surrounded by music, and I am so glad. The benefits of playing the piano have been awesome, and I hope that someday I can perfect my skill and achieve maestro status.
Swim Like a Fish
When I was in eighth grade, someone confronted me about joining the high school swim team. I was reluctant at first, because I had never been a swimmer, and because I was planning on joining the tennis team. However, I joined the team my freshman year, and have never regretted my decision. There were a whole bunch of new girls that joined at the same time as me, so I didn’t feel that uncomfortable. In fact, I was having a blast. Then it came time for my very first meet, and boy was I nervous. My coach had entered me in the 100-yard breaststroke. I mounted the block, and heard the starting beep. Immediately as I plunged into the water it was clear, this was my event. I dominated over everyone else, and took the lead. I swam the race and finished first, making everyone on the team very happy. I remember walking over to the coach and him telling me these words, “Jolene, if you swim another race like that you might just be on Varsity.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Varsity! I had discovered a hidden talent that I never knew I had. Throughout my three years of swimming, I have grown and matured as a swimmer and a person. I have made many new friends, and learned a lot about myself. Next year, my team has picked me to be a captain, which I am very excited about. Not only will I be a leader and role model for incoming swimmers, but I will also be able to help them find their event. I love swimming, and truly think it is the best sport out there.
Community Service
Service is a huge part of my life, and has allowed me to make a difference in the community. To me, service is volunteering your time and talent in order to help someone or something other than you. Service is something you do because you want to, not because you have to. When I complete a service project, I feel good about myself, and do not expect any sort of recognition. Throughout my life, I have completed a variety of different service projects. Two summers ago, I donated roughly 40 hours of my time to the Menasha Public Library helping out in the children’s department. Every week, we would hold book parties, and I would assist in the necessary preparations as well as the activities involved during the party. Volunteering at the library was an awesome experience because I not only made a lot of new friends, but also had a great time as well. Besides the library, I have also provided service at my church. I regularly attend St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church in Menasha, and am proud to say that I am very involved. Every Sunday, I provide my musical talent by playing the piano for the Sunday school opening. I also provide special music for select services. Besides that, I also acolyte, usher, and lector. Whenever my church sponsors service projects, I am quick to jump on board and help. Some of the past projects have included running haunted houses, gathering food for local food pantries, and holding a spaghetti dinner for Relay for Life. Donations my time and talent to St. Timothy’s has definitely been well worth my time. I couldn’t even dream of living my life without serving the community. The satisfaction and joy that results from volunteering can only be measured by the smiles on adolescent faces, warm hugs from a needy family, or a thumbs up from my pastor.

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