ケイト/メナーシャ高校(アメリカ ウィスコンシン州)
Kate/Menasha High School (Wisconsin, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
I love getting dressed up, and I love to dance, so my favorite thing to do is go to formal parties or dances! It's fun to get your hair done and buy dresses. Most of the time, however, we don't have enough money to buy new dresses, so we trade!
Next year Andy is planning to go Japan to teach English for an internship. He is my best guy friend and I will miss him very much. We like to shop together and have conversations in Japanese!
He is the youngest of five children, and by far the cutest. He loves to watch Disney movies and likes to play soccer. He can't run very fast but it still funny to watch him and my dog, Biscuit, play. I wish I had more baby siblings!
This is my friend Corey, and we're at the Homecoming dance. Homecoming is an event held each fall in which the football team has a huge home game. We have parades with float building contests, school games, and dress up days all week. The grades compete against each other for points, and whoever has the most is announced at the football game Friday. The semi-formal dance is held Saturday night. We go out to dinner and then dance quite a bit.
Kristine and Sara are my best friends. We have known each other since elementary school, and have grown up together. We usually see movies, go dancing, or go to parties at each other's homes. With all of our busy schedules, it's hard to get together, but when we do it's tight.
This is my little brother at Halloween. He hates the costume, but I think he looks really cute. As you can see, I really like to take pictures of Jake.
By American standards, I have a large family. Our house accommodates us, but even then, having such a big family annoys me sometimes. We like to take family vacations together so it isn't that bad. My oldest brother, Joe, is my best friend, but he attends the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. It's difficult when he is so far away, and I miss him. We live in Sherwood, Wisconsin: fifteen minutes away from my school in Menasha. Sometimes the drive is annoying but I like to live in the country. My father is a chiropractic neurologist, and my mother is a homemaker. Mary is 14 and in eighth grade, and Jens is 12 and in sixth grade. All in all, I like my family, I just don't like sharing a bathroom.
My parents grew up in the Upper Peninsula, so when we visit our extended family, we go skiing with them. I am an intermediate skier, and every once and awhile I wipe out on the more difficult hills. Since there are so many of us, we all get hand-me-down skis. I use my brother's old ones, which are pretty nice, but I feel bad for Mary and Jens, because the ones I pass down are pretty scratched up.
My Story
I usually use one word when I am describing myself and my lifestyle: busy. I am involved in various school activities, sports, community activities, and still maintain an active social life. My friends and activities are very important to me and define who I am. Besides being very busy, I am sociable, outgoing, and a dedicated worker. My name is Kate, and it is my pleasure to share the details of my life with you.
I come from a very large family. There are seven of us all together, not including the dog and two cats. I live in Sherwood, Wisconsin with my father, mother, older brother, younger sister, and two younger brothers. Joe, the oldest, goes to college in Boston, Massachusetts. I love to visit him in Boston and experience all the fun parts of college life. He is 19, and majoring in mechanical engineering. My younger sister, Mary, is in eighth grade at Maplewood Middle School in Menasha. She and I like to go shopping together at the mall and do each other's hair. Most of time we get along, except when it comes to cleaning. I tend to be messy and disorganized, while she likes everything nice and neat. We have separate rooms, but we share a bathroom and a hallway, so I kind of get her mad when all my stuff is everywhere. My younger brother Jens and I like to see movies together and play basketball. Since he is 12, we mostly go see action movies or comedies. I am also terrible at basketball, despite all the times we've played. My youngest brother Jake is 2 years old, so we mostly play around. He loves bubbles, Disney movies, and Doritos. He is very cute and sweet, despite his temper tantrums. Most of the time he and I play outside or watch Toy Story together. My father is a chiropractic neurologist and runs his own business. I work for him four days a week. He is an excellent doctor and helps many people. Recently, he wrote a book on the nervous system. My mother stays at home to take care of Jake and the finances for my father's business. All in all, my house is very noisy, and we all have different schedules, so we usually see each other only on weekends.
I am a Junior at Menasha High School, which is about fifteen minutes away from Sherwood. I lived in Menasha until I was 13, so I continued my education there after I moved to Sherwood. US history is my favorite class, and my least favorite class is physics. I don't really enjoy math or science, but my calculus teacher is very cool, so he makes math fun this year. I will miss him next year when I am a senior. Japanese is a fun class, and my teacher is very nice, but kanji is very difficult and hard to memorize. But we do fun things like watch Japanese cartoons or do skits. My favorite Japanese movie is Princess Mononoke, I try to get our teacher to let us watch it every year. In addition to calculus, physics, and Japanese; I also take gym and an English class. In English, we write many papers, read and discuss essays, and we are also writing a large research paper and memoirs. It is a lot of work, I usually have one to five hours of homework every night. Menasha High School is fun to attend, I like many of my teachers and classmates. Sometimes it is hard, however, because our school district is in debt, so we have to cut many extra programs. I am getting a little sick of high school and am looking forward to going to college in a year.
I have played sports since I was in elementary school. I played tennis for five years, soccer for six, ran cross country for about five, and now I play lacrosse. My lacrosse team is a men's team, but there are a few girls that play also. It is an enjoyable sport, but I have to work very hard to improve. I always played soccer in the summer on a competitive league. We had tournaments on weekends, and it was nice to meet other girls and spend time with them in the summer. I play defense in both lacrosse and soccer. Cross country was an excellent way to meet people, we always had parties after races. It was the most challenging sport I ever did, however. We ran as much as thirteen miles in a practice, and you must push yourself very hard in races. Still I made a lot of friends, and am going to miss it very much. I also downhill ski, but not competitively. Every year we travel to Michigan to ski at there resorts. I hope to someday ski in the Rocky Mountains or the Alps, but I will need much more experience.
Music has always been a major part of my life. I play three instruments; clarinet, viola, and string bass. I am the best at viola, and have been playing it the longest. I take private lessons and play in a youth symphony. I also play in my school orchestra and band. I practice several hours a week, and sometimes it is hard to fit practicing in my schedule. I must do it, though, because I may be looking into minoring in music performance when I go to college. I also sing in a few school groups. I am in swing choir and madrigals. Swing choir is great because we sing and dance. I used to dance tap and jazz when I was in elementary school, so it is good that I still retain some of my teachings. Madrigals is a group that carols during Christmastime for various community groups.
      Our band is also a fun thing to be involved in. We march in many holiday parades, and even travel to Paris and Chicago to compete and put on concerts. We even performed a half-time show for the professional football team in our state. I love to take overnight trips with my friends in band, and marching in formation is sometimes very fun too.
      I also have been in our school musicals for the past two years. This year the musical was the Sound of Music. It is a great way to meet new people and practice performing. I usually get very nervous when I have to perform in front of people, but by forcing myself to sing a solo, I became a little bit more comfortable with being in public performance. This is very valuable because I participate in many concerts, solos, plays, talent shows, and recitals.
My schedule never has very much free time in it, and this is due to the numerous co-curriculars that I am involved in. Besides sports, homework, and music, I am involved in: Student Council, the Sister Cities Youth Board, and Destination Imagination. Our student council does many enjoyable events, such as put on dances, a talent show, and various parties and fundraisers. Next year I am going to be an officer for council, and I hope to make it even better. I am also on the Youth Board for our Sister Cities program, which facilitates Russian-American student relations. I am the secretary, and have the privilege of attending many exclusive functions because of the adult Sister Cities Board. I also planned a student exchange this summer, and organize all fundraising events. It is quite time consuming, but profitable because I get to learn about an entirely new culture. Destination Imagination is a competition which I have been involved in since I was eight years old. Teams of seven compete over many months to create and perform a play. Depending on your performance, you compete at regional, national, and world levels. Our team has traveled to world numerous times, in Disneyworld and Tennessee. We have put on eight-minute plays about numerous things, such as: Japanese art, Egyptian gods, Lucille Ball and cows, Macbeth, Hitler, and even the universe. I love to act, sing, and build sets, so DI was a great experience for me.
My friends are the most important people in my life at the moment. My best friend is my older brother Joe. It's very hard because he lives 1200 miles away, and I see him only on holidays. We stay close through phone calls, emails, and instant messaging. Still, it's hard not to see him every day, especially since I value his advice so much. Many of my good male friends graduated last year with my brother, so I also miss being with them and getting advice. Andy, a very good friend of mine, also studies Japanese, so I especially miss conversing with him. I do have other friends here in Menasha to keep me company, though. Many of my closest girl friends have been with me since elementary school, and it is fun to talk and hang out, and know there is a definite amount of loyalty. But I also really enjoy hanging out with just guys. They seem to have a different perspective on things, and are very easygoing, not to mention relaxed. It's also nice to have a guy's opinion about dating and things like that.
      My friends and I like to do numerous things, including; seeing movies, playing Nintendo, hot-tubbing, going dancing at a club, going to formal dances, going to the mall, or just hanging out at eachother's houses. It is hard to keep in touch though, especially since many of us are preparing to go to college, and are involved in so many extra-curriculars.
Future Plans
I am definitely planning to attend a four year university. I am looking at the University of Madison here in Wisconsin, but I really want to attend a college on the east coast. I am having trouble deciding between Boston College or Boston University. I want to go to school in Boston because it is such a historical city, one of the safer big cities, and is very close to my brother. I have to make many visits to different colleges to decide where I want to go. I also have to take many national tests which affect my college choices. We do not have entrance exams in the United States, but students are still expected to do very well in school to go to a good college. There is also the added pressure of doing well so you can get many good scholarships. Junior year is stressful because I am trying to make many important life decisions, while balancing my everyday life.
      I am not quite sure what I would like to major in at college, but I am thinking along a few basic areas. I am considering either elementary education, history, Japanese, or music. I think I would probably minor in music or Japanese, but for now at least, everything is up in the air. I would like to study abroad either in Japan or London when I go to college, though. I am also the lucky recipient of a scholarship to go to Japan this summer. An organization called Youth For Understanding has given me the chance to travel to Japan for seven weeks. I am hoping to greatly improve my Japanese skills, while getting the chance to experience the culture. Of course, I cannot wait to shop, too. A few years ago I traveled to Japan for two weeks, and I cannot wait to go back and have another excellent time.
      All in all, I think I am a pretty average American teenager. I lead a normal, if not hectic, life. College, boys, and the latest Johnny Depp movie usually occupy my mind. I like to listen to bands such as Coldplay, hang out with friends and family, or just sit at home and read. I am looking forward to a new life at college, where I can meet new people and live in a big city. However, I will miss my comfortable life, friends and family. I enjoy my life here in the US, but I cannot wait to travel to JAPAN!!!

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