カイラ/メナーシャ高校(アメリカ ウィスコンシン州)
Kayla/Menasha High School (Wisconsin, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Stephanie and I at the Matchbox 20 Concert: This picture was taken at the Matchbox 20 and Fountains of Wayne concert. Music is a big part of my life. I listen to almost every kind of music. I also love dancing. My friends and I like going to the club and dancing the night away.
Sara and Me: This is my sister and I (star) at an aquarium in New Orleans. We went down there to play for my school band. I used to be in the school band, I played the saxophone. My family takes a vacation every year since I was 3. I like family vacations because I get spend time with my family.
Gumby and Me: Our school has spirit weeks where everyday is a new theme. Friday is always blue and white day; our school colors are blue and white. Thursday is always class color day; each class is a different color. 9th graders are green, 10th graders are red, 11th graders are white, and 12th graders are black. Other days are sometime themed Hawaiian or Crazy Hair Day. Our spirit weeks usually coincide with special events in our school. We have spirit weeks for homecoming and winter fest. They are a way to have some fun so school doesn't get to boring.
Sara, Ashley, and Me: This is I and 2 other football managers at a football practice over the summer. I was a football manager for our school's varsity football team. As a manager we were in charge of getting the equipment, water, running errands for the coaches, and fixing broken equipment. I am a big fan of football. Our school team did really good this year and got into the 3rd round of the playoffs. It was a lot of fun.
Group after LTC: This was taken right after LTC last summer. LTC is leadership-training conference. It takes place at Camp Onaway it is a weeklong. The Boy's and Girl's Brigade owns Camp Onaway; and organization that kids from 6th to 12th grade can be in. One night a week you go for 2 hours they have various activities for you to do ranging from climbing wall to archery to crafts. It is a lot of fun. LTC is only one of the camps held over the summer. There are 3 weeks of girl's camp and 3 weeks of boy's camp, there are also adventure camps and family camps. I go to one week of girl's camp and one week of LTC I also am working at Camp this summer.
    A Girl Named Kayla
Basic Information:
My name is Kayla. I was born on May 21, 1987 at Theda Clark Hospital in Neenah, Wisconsin. I live with my mom, dad and two golden retrievers, Casey and Zoey. My sister, Sara lives about two miles away from us with her fiancé, Dan, ferret, Freddy, and dog, Bailey. My sister is twenty years old. My mom and dad are both forty-four. I have moved twice in my life. When I was two years old I moved into my childhood home and when I was in fourth grade I moved into the house I am currently living in. I am an eleventh grader at Menasha High School. I am sixteen, but my birthday is in a month.
My neighborhood when I was younger was full of friends my age. I was a very energetic child. I loved running around and playing games. I was also very loud and stubborn and did not like being told what to do. I mastered the art of temper tantrums. My favorite game was tag. I loved being outside playing in the dirt and getting dirty. My family went camping a lot. I loved it, being able to run around in the woods and going swimming in the lake. I used to go fishing with my dad and sister. I was never very good at fishing because I was not good at staying still and quiet. I started playing basketball in fourth grade. I was in orchestra from second grade to fifth grade. In fifth grade I started band. I played the Alto Saxophone.
Middle School:
I was shy in middle school. I stayed with one group of friends. I was in service club and basketball. I really loved service club, I love doing community service. It was a great way to get involved and it started my community service career. I loved being on a sports team, but I did not like basketball. I played all three years of middle school. Although I was not the biggest fan of basketball I still really enjoyed working with my teammates. I was really into academic activities. I was in the National Junior Honor Society. I also went to Trees for Tomorrow two years in a row. It was an environmental science camp up in the north woods of Wisconsin at Eagle River. It took place during the wintertime. It was a lot of fun and I met a lot of people from other school. We went cross country skiing and snow shoeing through the woods. We also had classroom activities where we learned about the animals of the north woods and how to take care of the environment. During our free time we made igloos and had snowball fights.
High School:
I love high school, although I do not always love all my classes. My favorite subjects are gym or law. I really like history too. I do not really like science, but I am enjoying Chemistry this year. I also do not like math because there is too much homework. I have always been really good at math and history. I am not a big fan of my English classes I am taking this year because they are creative writing and composition. Both of them involving writing papers, essays are not a very strong point for me. I am also in Japanese, I am not very good at it but I try. My freshman year I was a little scared about going to a new school and being with lots of older kids. But my sister was a senior so it was easy for me to make friends with the upperclassmen.
      I played in the school band freshman and sophomore years. I really enjoyed playing in concerts but I was not a fan of marching, which is what our school band is famous for. I also played on the freshman soccer team. I had so much fun that soccer season. Our team was not very good and we did not win any games but we cared more about having fun than winning. We all became really close and good friends. I love soccer, it is my favorite sport to play and watch. I tend to be clumsy so I have a lot of injuries. Because of all my sports injuries to my knee I can not play soccer anymore. I still play with my friends but I can not play on a team. With the physical therapy I might be able to play again.
      I became a football manager my sophomore year and continued to be one my junior year. My best friend, Emilie and I had to manage the freshman, JV, and varsity teams' sophomore year. It was a lot of work but we had a lot of fun doing it. Being a manager you need to take care of drinks and equipment. We had to fix any broken gear and run errands for the coaches. We also helped the school trainer. We were in charge of practices and making sure all the drills were completed. I became really close to the coaches and the guys on the team. This year, which is my junior year, I joined mock trial. I am interested in law and am looking into going into a government career, so mock trial was a perfect activity for me to join. We practiced two nights a week for four months and in February we went a district competition. There are two parts of a mock trial team, one part is the prosecution side and the other is the defense side. I was a witness for the defense. At competition we did four trials with four other schools. The defense side did two and the prosecution side did two. The defense side won both of their trials and the prosecution lost both of theirs. There were ten schools there and our team took fifth place.
      I was also accepted into National Honor Society. In National Honor Society we are responsible for a certain amount of community service hours and also a lot of fundraisers. I have also been in the National Guard Cadet program for two years. This is a mentoring program for teens fourteen to twenty who are interested in the military. We train every other Sunday for four hours at the Amory. We do various activities like land navigation or first aid training. During the summer we work at events around as security, set up and clean up. I have been in Boys and Girls Brigade since sixth grade. This is an awesome program it promotes leadership and being the best you can be. Every summer I spend a week up at Camp Onaway for a Brigade camp. Brigade owns Camp Onaway; they have a different camp every week. Last summer I started Leadership Training Conference, so now I spend two weeks up at camp. I also applied to work up at camp this summer as kitchen staff.
My Future:
I have not decided anything for sure yet about what I want to do. I am going to college for political science and international relations. I am currently trying to decide which college I want to go to, I am looking at two at the moment and I like both of them. I am taking classes in school that will help me with that. I have a lot of law, social studies, and economics classes. I would like to work in an embassy in Europe someday.
I love to travel. I have traveled a lot around the Untied States. Outside the USA I have been to Canada and Japan. I loved Japan; I was there for two weeks. We traveled around and stayed with three host families. We also stayed in three hotels. I was amazed but how much English is in Japan, and how alike I was to my host families. This upcoming summer I am spending three weeks in the United Kingdom. I was picked by the Brigade to go with ten other teens for a week at a camp in Scotland. We are then spending two weeks traveling around England and Scotland and spending time with host families. I am really looking forward to this trip, the only thing I am not looking forward to is that we can only bring one hiking backpack for all three weeks. I tend to over pack so I am working on what to bring.
My Friends:
My best friend, Emilie, is currently living in Japan. She comes back in three months and has been there nine already. Although she is so far away we still talk through email and online, we also talk on the phone sometimes. Emilie and I are crazy and love to have fun. I spend a lot of time with my friends. I have lots of different friends from lots of different places. Traveling and being in lots of activities has helped me meet lots of new people. I am very outgoing and love to talk. I like meeting new people and it is pretty easy for me to go and talk to a new person. My usual weekend is watching movies or going bowling. We like having water fights and going to the club. We also love to shop. All my friends have something to offer and all of them know how to have a good time.

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