サラ/メナーシャ高校(アメリカ ウィスコンシン州)
Sara/Menasha High School (Wisconsin, USA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
This is a photo from one of my cross-country meets. Before every race, we have a special huddle and prayer for good luck. This is a very sacred pre-race ritual and we never start a race without having our huddle first. At this time, I am with the Varsity girl's team. There are 7 girls on each Varsity squad. I am a captain this year and I have been re-elected to be one next year also. Each race is 2.5 miles long for girls and 3.1 miles long for boys. I have been running competitively since I was in sixth grade and I plan on running next year as a senior. Although it seems so simple, running is a big part of my life and I am always trying to improve my times and my form. One of my goals for the future is to complete a marathon (26.2 miles). I also enjoy just running on my own for fun. It's great exercise and it makes you feel great. I hope to continue running as an adult.
This is one of my cats, Andy. I have 3 other cats besides him: Bootsie, Smokie, and Amos. We have had these cats for about 10 years. Although it is a lot to have 4 cats running around, they have become part of our family and I cannot imagine living at home without them. Right now I live with my mother and my grandmother. My father lives in an apartment, so I do not get to see him too often. I am able to go stay with him even so often though. I also have one older brother, Ryan.
This is a picture of my brother, Ryan. He may look funny because he is wearing a pair of his safety goggles for the lab he works in. Right now Ryan in home for an internship, but he normally is a student at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. He is studying to become a chemical engineer. Ryan is 22 years old and he is my only sibling. We used to fight when we were little, but now we get along great. He helps me with homework and has given me a great deal of advice about college and school. I hope to follow in his footsteps and attend the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities as well. I would like to study Genetics though, not chemical engineering.
This picture is of my boyfriend, Joey and I. It was taken prior to a formal dance we attended in February. Joey and I have been dating for about 4 months. He attends the same high school as I do and he plays football, baseball, and runs on the track team. We do not get to see each other much during the week, so we normally are together on the weekends. For fun we like to go to movies, go to a friend's house, go out to dinner, or go shopping. We are both very busy, so normally we spend out time together relaxing, or taking a break from our busy schedules.
This photo was taken in the field-house of my high school. The people in the picture are friends and fellow classmates. We have just finished building a float for the homecoming parade. Every year, we have homecoming. Homecoming is a week where normally we have class competitions and then there is an important football game and a formal dance at the end of the week. The float we built will compete against the other grade's floats and will be judged on the day of the parade.
This is a photo of my father and I. He is a great dad and very funny. This picture was taken after I finished running a cross-country race, so I look very tired and sweaty. Although I do not live with my dad, we get a long very well. He attends most of my softball games and most of my cross-country meets, and I get to stay at his apartment every so often. My dad works for a paper company and likes to watch racing, baseball, and listen to rock music.
This photo is of my mother and my grandmother. They are both very nice people, and they help me get through my stressful days. My grandmother has lived with us for a little over a year now, and she is always helping out around the house. She is a great cook, and she also loves to do laundry. She has a part-time job at a restaurant and she also volunteers at the hospital a few times a week. My mother works for a paper company and normally comes home very tired. She likes to just relax and watch movies or TV in her spare time.

    My Story

I was born on a warm spring afternoon at St. Elizabeth's hospital in Appleton, Wisconsin. I was my parent's second child. They named me Sara Amanda Woldt. They didn't name me after anyone in particular; they just picked the name randomly. The date was April 10th, 1987.
      For the first 6 years of my life, my family and I lived in a small home on London Street in Menasha. Growing up, I liked to play with the neighborhood kids, and try to be exactly like my older brother, Ryan. I liked to play football, run around barefoot, and play with my brother's tonka trucks in our sandbox. I was always stubbing my toe, and I always seemed to be full of dirt by the end of the day.
      I went to preschool at the Memorial Building in Menasha. It was a big building, and all I can really remember from those days was the big slide that I loved so dearly and having my first crush on one of the boys in my class.
      For kindergarten through 5th grade I attended Clovis Grove Elementary School. It is here I started learning the Japanese language. In first grade I met two of my best friends, Kate and Kristine. We are still good friends to this day. I also broke my wrist in first grade while playing with Kristine. It is a memory we can look back and laugh at today.
      In first grade I started some advanced subjects, and starting in second grade I was placed in an advanced class. My second grade teacher was one of my most influential teachers ever. Her name was Mrs. Vandeyacht. She made learning fun for me and she was my favorite teacher.
      Starting in first or second grade I began my days of softball. I played tee-ball for a while, and then in third grade I began playing softball for a league. I am still playing softball today.
      In fourth grade I began basketball. I loved it. It was my favorite sport for a very long time. I played all the way through my sophomore year of high school. I played on several tournament teams, and I loved going every weekend to a different city to play. Last year was my last time playing, but I still love the game. Softball has taken over as my favorite sport. My favorite position is catcher and I am starting as catcher for the varsity team this year.
      Starting in second grade I joined a program called Odyssey of the Mind. In this program, 7 kids get together to write a short play, and also participate in an improving competition. Fortunately, my team had some success in this competition. We normally placed at regional competition, and we went to the state competition several times. We also went to the global finals three times. We placed first at global finals in fifth grade, 2nd at global finals in 8th grade, and the third time we placed 6th. Last year was our last year together as a team for DI.
      After elementary school I went to Maplewood Middle School for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. In middle school I started running cross-country. I loved it. Running was and still is a passion for me. Although it is very difficult and hard for me to stay motivated, cross-country is a fun sport that has taught me many lessons about life and staying strong. I continue to run cross-country today, and last year and now this year I am a team captain.
      In middles school I also kept very involved in other sports and in activities. Besides cross-country, I was in basketball, track, and softball. I also was in band, National Honor Society, Student Council, and various other clubs.
      Middle School was fun for me, but I didn't like it as much as I like high school. I am now a student at Menasha High School. I am a junior, so that means this is my third year here. Although I hate the homework, I like high school a lot better than middle school.
      Starting freshman year I joined cross-country, basketball, lacrosse, and softball. I was also involved in student council, a class officer, band, and many other clubs. This was a lot for me to handle, so little by little I cut back on a few activities. I have now cut my schedule down to cross-country, softball, student council, the musical, choir, a part-time job, a class officer, national honor society, band, and many hours at church. Although I am still busy, I have remained sane.
      Church is also a big part of my life. I have become much more involved in church since I hit high school. Each week I spend about 5 to 8 hours at church. Every Wednesday night I lead a worship service and I also participate in a choir. Then on Sunday mornings, I help lead another worship service for the younger elementary school students. I love helping out and I really like working with the kids. It gives me a great feeling and I think it helps being out my strong faith. Although it is a huge time commitment, church has helped me through many struggles and tough times in my life.
      Right now I live with my mother and grandmother. My mother and I relatively close, yet I don't get to see her that often because we are both very busy. She works as a customer service representative at a paper mill. Right now my parents are separated and soon to be divorced. They have been separated for about a year. My mother is a good influence on me and she is a very good mother to me. She is constantly encouraging me and doing whatever she can to help me from becoming stressed out. She is a good person and a role model for me.
      My grandmother and I are also very close. She has lived with us for about a year. She is a strong woman. Although she is growing old, she still works a part-time job, volunteers at the hospital weekly, cleans our house, does laundry, and almost always has a meal on the table each night. She is an amazing woman. She has taught me patience and discipline.
      My brother is 21 years old and right now he is home living with us for a year to carry out an internship. After his internship is over, he will return to Minnesota to finish his college education. He is studying to become a chemical engineer. My brother and I get along well and we have many of the same interests. Although I don't tell him all the time, he has been and still is my role model. I look up to him and I have ever since I was little. He likes to play baseball, work out, listen to music, and watch movies.
      I do not live with my father and unfortunately I do not get to see him too often. I still love him very much; it is just hard for us to get together with such a busy schedule. He does attend almost all my softball games though, and I do get to go out to dinner with him ever so often. My father works at a paper mill and he loves baseball, car racing, and music.
      I have also been blessed with many wonderful aunts, uncles, and cousins that live nearby. I am very close with all of them and we get to see each other often. One of my aunts, Amy, is like a big sister to me. I also have two other cousins, Kelsey and Tiffany, who are like little sisters to me. My other aunts and uncles are like second parents and I am very lucky to have so many positive adults in my life.
      Surprisingly enough, I have kept basically the same friends since middle school. I am very lucky to have wonderful friends with such wonderful personalities. We all have a lot in common and get along great. They are always there for me when I need it and when we hang out we have so much fun. My friends are like the sisters I never had and I thank them for it.
      I also have a boyfriend right now named Joey. We have been dating for a while now and things are great. He is very good to me and we are together all the time. He plays football, baseball, and runs track. He is a great influence on me and he makes me very happy. Last week we attended prom together and we were crowned prom king and queen!
      Japanese is also another big part of my life. About two years ago I traveled to Japan on a scholarship I was given by the Johnson Diversy company for 2 weeks. I was able to travel all around Japan, for free! It was a great experience and has made me want to study Japanese even more. This summer I am also traveling to Japan again on a different scholarship. This time I am going for about 2 months! I am very excited, but nervous I will be unable to communicate.
      In my free time I like to watch movies, listen to music, sleep, eat, or just relax. During the summer I like to swim or run, and I spend a lot of time in the weight room. I also have a great love for music. My favorite bands are The Dave Matthews Band, Guster, and Ben Folds. I like all types of music, but these are the bands I listen to the most. This summer when I return from Japan I will be attending a Dave Matthews Band and Guster concert. I can't wait!
      In the future, I hope to go to college at the same university as my brother, The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, and study genetics. I plan to go to school for 4 years. I am thinking about also doing something related to Japanese, but I am not sure yet. I also hope to get married and have children someday.

I think the photographs did a nice job of illustrating what life is like for Japanese high school and college students. I thought they did a nice job of picking very interesting and different types of pictures, and their descriptions on the back were very detailed and gave us all a good idea of who each of the people were. It was interesting for me to see that most of the Japanese students have a lot of the same interests and hobbies that we do here. Seeing these photos has changed my image of a typical Japanese teenager and made me more interested in what sort of things students do in their spare time.

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