ローラ/カウンティ中高校(イギリス サフォーク)
Laura/County Upper School (Suffolk, UK)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Now how can we stop the egg breaking when we drop it?
The map said it would be here and it was
Shiseido eat your heart out: Max Factor Mud Factor
Not sure I can do this; I'm not as tall as Emily (but I did!)


  What I thought about at Edale

For the three days we were at Edale I kept thinking “This is great. The house, the food, the instructors, the activities—I wouldn't want to change anything.” Now I am thinking “When can I go again?” But I'm also hoping if I do go again I can have a Japanese partner to share the experience with. Best of all I enjoyed the times she and I had to work together, either on our own or as part of the larger team. I thought this would be difficult as perhaps we couldn't communicate but I found that there was always a way to explain things and to understand what she was explaining even if it involved a lot of arm waving. I was never in any doubt about one thing: when she was cold which was quite often! We found we both preferred the indoor activities in the evenings although during the day we didn't mind being outside or down the cave (which was warmer if somewhat wet!). When we went orienteering we agreed not to ‘race' but to enjoy the scenery: I realised how much we take this type of scenery for granted in England when she told me about where she lived in Japan. This was the best learning point for me: to try to look at things from someone else's perspective.

(Co-ordinated by Lauren)
We decided to concentrate on Mizushima Yu as she was the one whose photos drew the most comments from the group. We were particularly impressed by the way she handles her academic and social life. In the UK we find it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to get the right balance when we are in the equivalent of Senior High School year 2 (高校2年生) so we were interested to see how Yu enjoys working at improving her English and piano while also having fun with her friends and family. We agreed, too, that we liked the pattern of uniform she wears. Once we reach senior high school, we do not have to wear uniform which has advantages but also means we (the girls in particular but also, we were surprised to discover, the boys too) spend a lot of time worrying about what to wear for school. We all took note of the “school cleaning” which was something we didn't know about although we had noticed on the residential that when it was time to tidy up our Japanese partners were very efficient at this. This prompted a long debate about whether it would be good to introduce school cleaning into English schools and raised lots of pros and cons. We also remarked on the standard of behaviour and discipline that Yu described in her school; again this is something that we all discussed at length. We realised we should have looked at the pictures in more detail before we met our Edale partners so that we could have asked them about these points. Now we shall be ready for our next group with lots of topics for discussion! There were lots of other individual comments on all aspects of the photographs. Several points we also brought up in our Japanese classes; we had learnt that one takes ones shoes off going into a Japanese home: we hadn't realised that was required at school too. Our teacher who was at school a long time ago pointed out that it used to be the fashion in UK schools too and when we mentioned this to grandparents they told us lots of stories of carrying shoes around in bags so now we want to know: Do the Japanese students have shoe bags or just keep their shoes stuffed into their ordinary bags as we do?
       We all agreed that it would be good to have more time to look at the photos for longer and also to share our ideas about them with a Japanese partner.

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