エマー&エミリー/マクロバートソン女子高校(オーストラリア ビクトリア州)
Emma & Emily/The MacRobertson Girls' High School (Victoria, AUSTRALIA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Crown Casino
Our family (LR): Emily, Father, Tom, Mother, Emma
Hello. Our names are Emma and Emily, and we are sisters. Our family has five people, our parents, little brother and ourselves. We live with our family in Melbourne, Australia. Since the yard in our house is quite large, we can keep many pets. In fact, we have a dog, a cat and many gold fish. To stay healthy, our dad goes for a walk with the dog every morning before he goes to work. Our father’s name is John and he is a lawyer. In his spare time, he likes to do things like read books, and talk to about politics with his friends. Our mother’s name is Sarah. She was a teacher, but last year, she went back to university and now she is a doctor. Her hobbies are painting and going to art galleries. Our little brother’s name is Tom and he is 11 years old. Although he doesn’t study very often, because he is a fast learner, he is very smart. He is interested in cars and playing video games with his friends. Because our parents are always very bust, we can’t do things with our family often. But once or twice a month we go and watch the football together. Furthermore, to celebrate birthdays we always go to a restaurant with our family.
      Mum was born in France, and her parents still live there. But dad’s parents live in England. 3 years ago, during the Christmas holidays, we travelled around and world and visited both our grandparents. It was very fun and interesting. Although we often talk on the phone, we still miss them very much. We plan to go again at the end of this year, but have not decided whether or not to go to France or England. We would like to go to both.
Emma’s self introduction
My name is Emma. I am 16 years old and in year 11 at a girls’ school. At school, apart from Japanese, the subjects I am studying are English, literature, maths, chemistry, and history. Because I think it is very interesting, history is my favourite subject. Every day, after I get up at 6:30 and eat breakfast, then mum drives my sister and me school before she goes to work. But most of my friends have to catch the train and tram. At school, I am in the tennis, cricket etc clubs. We practise one or twice a week. Because my sister also loves tennis, every Saturday from 9:30 am to 11:00 we practise together at the tennis club near our house. Although tennis is fun, my favourite sport is cricket. I love it because it is an exciting team sport. My favourite cricket player is Adam Gilchrist. He is Australia’s wicket keeper and a very skilled batsman. Last year, the Cricket World Cup was in South Africa. Because Australia won, I was very happy. Although I like playing cricket, by I prefer to watch it. Although my sister and mother dislike cricket, because they think it is boring, I often watch it with my father and brother.
Emily’s self introduction
My name is Emily, and I turned 17 in January. I am in year 12 and go to the same school as my sister. at school, I am studying English, Japanese, French, geography, drama and biology. Since I am very interested in drama, it is my favourite subject. In fact, I have been going to after school drama class since I was 7 years old. Furthermore, I am the captain of the drama club at school. Apart from drama, I love music. I have been learning the violin for 8 years. I practise for about one hour every day after school. But because my violin exam is next month, my teacher said I should practise for around one and a half hours every day. Because I must try my hardest at studying this year, I don’t have much spare time. However, sometimes, I do things like watch movies and go to the beach with my boyfriend or friends. My boyfriend’s name is Simon, and he lives in the house next door to us. I think he is a considerate and good-looking person. Since he is also in year 12 this year, and very busy, we spend less time together than before. But I hope next year we go to the same university.
Our hometown is a place called Melbourne in Australia. Melbourne is capital city of Victoria and it is Australia’s second biggest city. The population is about 3 million people.
      Melbourne is very lively and always appears to be fun. Because there are lots of various things to do, the number of tourists coming to Melbourne is increasing. In fact, Melbourne is a very popular place. Therefore, I would like to talk a little about Melbourne.
      Firstly, Melbourne is located in the heart of the city. Lots of foreign tourists like to come to Melbourne to do things such as seeing famous buildings, go to old monuments, etc. In fact, there has been an increase in things such as souvenir shops, hotel and restaurants, etc.
      Melbourne probably has a lot of popular places. For example, various places such as Luna Park, Rialto Tower, Great Ocean road, etc. However, I think the famous place, which lots of people want to go to is Crown Casino. Here, you can do things such as gamble, watch new and old movies, eat various foreign food, go shopping, etc. There’s a lot of time to do these various things. Furthermore, even if you cannot find a hotel or motel, etc, you may reserve a Crown Casino room and stay there. It’s extremely convenient but may be a little expensive too.
      In conclusion, if you have never come to Melbourne, you better come and you can probably enjoy yourself.
After I graduate from high school, I want to go to Melbourne University and the course, which I want to study, is business. But because recently the numbers of people who go to University have increased, it’s very hard and I am not sure whether or not I will get in. Then, I plan to manage my own business but I still haven’t decided what kind of business I want to manage.
     However, if I don’t get into the course, which I want to study, I may travel overseas again. The various places I would like to travel to are Japan, Hong Kong and Paris etc. Furthermore, I can do things such as sightseeing and it would be good if I can learn about other country’s culture and customs.
     Apart from studying and travelling, my future dream is to do things together with my family. Recently, in society, people usually spend their free time working. Therefore, they don’t have time to do things with their family. Because of this reason, I think that family is the most important priority. According to my parents, the years are going to pass by very quickly and we better make the most of the time that comes.
     Basically, I would like to live a happy life. Especially, because there is nothing that is more important than family.
In the future, I would like to become a famous actress. When I was small, my dream was to become an actress because I watched a lot of American movies. In my free time at home, I often did things such as dancing and singing songs, etc. Furthermore, if new songs came out, I always try to buy it. Usually, while I am doing my homework, I love to listen to music. It is very comfortable. According to my parents, I appear to be good at singing.
     At school, I am the drama captain and after school I always go to drama classes. Now, because there is a musical called ‘Grease’, I must practice everyday. So, after I graduate from high school, I would like to go to America to become a famous actress.
     However, if I don’t become an actress, I may become a drama teacher. Because I have a very good drama teacher, I have an interest in drama. I have ever been to a musical. In fact, I like to often go to Melbourne’s musical. I think it’s always fun and interesting.

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