リズ&サリー/マクロバートソン女子高校(オーストラリア ビクトリア州)
Liz & Sal/The MacRobertson Girls' High School (Victoria, AUSTRALIA)
本人が書いた文/Original text本人原文본인이 쓴 글
Our hometown
Flinders Street Station
Around Melbourne
Friends, family & others in my life (Liz)

Friends, family & others in my life (Sal)
Corner of Swanston St and Flinders St, Melbourne
メルボルンについて書きたいと思います。メルボルンより、東京の方が大きい町があるけれども、メルボルンにまだおもしろい所がたくさんあるそうです。メルボルンで 有名で、りょうしつなホテルがあります。たとえば、ヒルトンやシェラトンやパークハイヤットなどです。これらのホテルはすべて町の中です。だから、気軽に近くレストランに行ったり、見物をしたりすることが出来ます。
My hobbies (Liz)
私は色々な事をすることが好きです。ひまな時に友達と買い物をしたり、えいがを見たりすることが大好きです。私も友達とおいしい食べ物を食べることが好きです。私の一番おいしい食べ物はアイスクリームだと思います。 私はスポーツをすることが好きです。すいえいをすることが好きだけれども、今年私はとてもいそがしいので、すいえいをあまりすることが出来なくて、すいえいをすることが上手じゃないです。しかし、すいえいをすることが好きなので、私はすいえいの先生になることにしました。プールで子供をおしえます。子供の年齢は六ヵ月から十一才のでです。赤ちゃんはとてもかわいいと思います。
My hobbies (Sal)
私は色々なしゅみがたくさんあります。たとえば、ひまな時に家族と映画に見に行ったり、友達と海にそって歩いたり、音楽を聞いたりすることが好きです。一番好きなひまな時の活動はおいしい食べ物をたべます。たとえば、ピザやタコやすしやチョコレットなどを食べることが大好きけれど、味がわるいから、私が嫌いな食べ物はブロッコリーとカボチャです。 もう一つのしゅみはバイオリンをきくことです。今年は9年間にバイオリンをひいています。私の好きなさっきょくかはバッハやベートーべンなどで、いつも母の友達の誕生日のパーティーにバイオリンをひきます。
Friends, family & others in my life (Liz)
Hi, my name is Liz and I am 17 years old. In my family there are six people, my parents, two younger sisters, my younger brother and myself. My family are very important to me. They are always supportive of the things I do and without them, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
      My friends are also very supportive. Whenever I am upset they are always there for me and will listen and share their opinions. My best friend’s name is Alex and we have been friends for a very long time. We like to do activities such as eating and watching videos. My other best friend is Sally, she always puts a smile on my face and I like spending time with her very much.

Friends, family & others in my life (Sal)
Hi, my name’s Sally and I am turning 18 in May. There are four people in my family, my parents and my older sister. My dad’s a company employee, my mum has her own business teaching computer bookkeeping skills and because my sister’s dream is to become a photographer she is studying photography at Tafe. Because everyone is busy with work and school etc, we don’t really get much time to spend with each other; however, we still get along really well.
      My friends are very important to me. My best friend, Kari, is the same age as me and we have been friends since we were 4 years old. Kari has a beautiful smile and a great personality and no matter what mood I’m in, she is always able to cheer me up. My other best friend is Liz. She’s a highly talented athlete and also very smart. I love spending time with her because we always laugh about silly things and share our dreams.
Corner of Swanston St and Flinders St, Melbourne
We’d like to speak about our hometown Melbourne. Even though Tokyo has a bigger city than Melbourne, Melbourne still appears to have interesting places. In Melbourne, there are famous and good quality hotels. For example, there’s the Hilton, Sheraton, and The Park Hyatt etc. Therefore, you have easy access to many nearby restaurants and sightseeing attractions.
      Liz and I get the train home every day after school from Flinders Street Station. Flinders Street is very spacious and usually very busy. Because there are various cultures in Melbourne, there are many delicious and different restaurants. Many people dine out, and so you can always try eating new meals. Another popular activity is going for a cruise along the Yarra River, which is really pretty.
      Melbourne has interesting sightseeing places. Possibly, the most popular place is the Rialto Tower. At night, from the top of the Rialto Tower, if you look out across Melbourne, you can see the beautiful city lights. It’s incredibly beautiful, however it’s best to go when it’s not cloudy. If you’re looking for a fun experience, please visit Melbourne.
My hobbies (Liz)
I like doing various things. In my free time, I love doing things shopping with my friends and seeing movies. I also like eating food with my friends. I think ice cream is the most delicious food. I also like doing sports. Although I like swimming, because I am very busy this year, I’m not able to swim much and I’m not good at swimming. However, because I like swimming, I decided to become a swimming teacher. At the pool I teach children. The children’s ages are from six months old to eleven years old. I think the babies are very cute.
My hobbies (Sal)
I have many various hobbies. For example, in my free time I like to go to see movies with my family, walk along the beach with my friend and listen to music etc. My favourite thing to do in my free time is eat delicious food. For example, I love eating pizza, tacos, sushi, chocolate etc but I dislike eating broccoli and squash because I think it tastes bad.
      Another hobby of mine is playing violin. This year is my 9th year playing violin. Some of my favourite composers are Bach and Beethoven etc. I always play violin for my mum’s friends birthday parties.

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