How are the other six words written in Japanese?
- Soccer player:サッカー選手(せんしゅ)
- Car mechanic:車の整備士(くるまのせいびし)
- Fireman:消防士(しょうぼうし)
- Translator:通訳(つうやく)
- Pharmacist:薬剤師(やくざいし)
- Nurse:看護師(かんごし)
You’ll note thatサッカー, for “soccer player” is expressed in katakana
representing the English pronunciation. “Nurse” is sometimes expressed
in katakana, with the word ナース, but a more formal word for persons
certified in the profession is 看護師 (かんごし). On the other hand,
a “nurse station” is called ナースステーション.