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1. What is the Japanese word for the vegetables below. Pick one from a to f.

(a) アスパラガス (b) ねぎ (c) ブロッコリー
(d) たまねぎ (e) しいたけ (f) かぼちゃ

2. Most of the vegetables given above are grown in Japan but import of some of them has been increasing in recent years. Guess the two countries that export to Japan the largest quantity of each of the following vegetables.

(1)ブロッコリー (2) たまねぎ
(3) しいたけ (4) ねぎ
(5) アスパラガス (6) かぼちゃ

(a) United States (b) China (c) Mexico
(d) New Zealand (e) Australia (f) Czechoslovakia




  1. (1)−(a)

  2. (1)−(a)(b)



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