
【Click Nippon News】To Dance with More Freedom

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Click Nippon News January 19, 2017

【1】To Dance with More Freedom


【2】Suggested class activities



【1】To Dance with More Freedom

Omae Koichi appears on stage as a professional dancer. With his performance presented at the closing of the 2016 Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro, his art was seen around the world. Fourteen years before that, as a budding dancer about to audition for the dance company of his dreams, Omae was struck by a drunken driver and lost his left leg from mid-calf down. Despite the accident, he did not give up on his dream of dancing, and after much struggle has developed his own distinctive style of dance, continuing his pursuit of freedom through dance. He talked to us about the difficulties he faced and his ideas about what dance can do.


■ Essence of this article

・ If there is something you really want to do, the important thing is not to give up, but keep pressing on toward your goal.

・ In order to achieve your goal, you may need to find a new method or strategy.

・ Sometimes if you put aside all your assumptions about how things ought to be, you find that a new path opens up before you.

・ What we think is beautiful is something that changes. What you have to do first is to learn to recognize what is beautiful in yourself.

【2】Suggested class activities

1. Questions to help students' comprehension:

a) What happened to Omae fourteen years ago?

b) Kanamori told Omae, "You cannot become a Noism dancer." In the end, how did this help Omae?

c) How did Sato Noriko influence the direction of Omae's dancing?

d) Explain how Omae's goal has changed along the way.

e) What made him decide to seek a career on the stage? What did 'the stage' bring into his life?

f) Did the relationship between Omae and his father change after the accident? How did Omae's understanding of his father change?

2. Discussion points:

g) What qualities did Omae have that led to his success? Give some examples?

h) There was a time when Omae didn't get the same salary as other dancers even though he danced like other dancers. Why do you think he was treated like that?

i) Even though Omae suffered from great difficulties, he says that he is enjoying life immensely now. Why do you think he can say so?

j) How do you think the presence of a dancer like Omae influences the world? [What kind of impact does a dancer like Omae have on the world?]

k) What do you think 'a rich and hospitable society' means?

3. Creative activities:

l) Imagine that Omae talked to Sato Noriko after his performance at the Paralympics. What do you think their conversation would be like? Try writing out the dialogue.

Omae's performance at the Paralympics


m) Look at other examples of people who show great resilience in the face of adversity.

Ikeda Mikio https://www.tjf.or.jp/clicknippon/en/mywayyourway/05/post-12.php

Akiyama Rina https://www.tjf.or.jp/clicknippon/en/mywayyourway/05/post-11.php

Read the articles and find the key words to depict their ideas and way of life. What messages do they have for us?

Related website Resilience Sites2See NSW


【1】 もっと自由に踊りたい





■ この記事のエッセンス

・ やりたいことがあったら、諦めることなく突き進むことが大切だ。

・ 目標を達成するためには、その方法を変えることも必要。

・ こうあるべきだと思っていることを取り払っていくことで、新しい道が開けることもある。

・ 何が美しいと思うのかは変わっていくものだ。まずは自分の美しさを知ることが重要だ。



a) 14年前、大前さんに何がおこりましたか。

b) 「Noism」の金森穣先生の「君はNoismのダンサーになれない」という一言は、最終的に、大前さんをどのように助けましたか。

c) 佐藤典子先生は、大前さんのダンスの方向性にどんな影響を与えましたか。

d) 大前さんの「目的地」はどのように変わってきましたか。順を追って、説明してください。

e) 舞台に立つ仕事をしようと決めたのは、どんなきっかけがあったからですか。その時、舞台は彼に何をもたらしましたか。

f) 事故によって、お父さんとの関係は変わりましたか。大前さんのお父さんに対する気持ちや見方は、どのように変わりましたか。


g) 大前さんのどんな資質が、彼に成功をもたらしたと思いますか。例えば、その資質が表れているのはどこですか。

h) 他のダンサーはギャラがもらえるのに、大前さんは少しの「お礼」しかもらえない時期がありました。同じように踊っても、このような差をつけられたのは、なぜだと思いますか。

i) 不慮の事故に遭い、大変な困難があったのに、「今楽しくてしかたがない」と言えるのは、どうしてだと思いますか。

j) ダンサーとしての大前さんの存在は、社会にどんな影響を与えていると思いますか。

k) 「豊かな社会」とは、どんな社会でしょうか。この記事を読んで考えたことを話し合ってください。

3. 表現活動のヒント

l) リオパラリンピックのパフォーマンスの後、大前さんは、舞踏家の佐藤典子先生に電話をしました。どんなことを話したと思いますか。佐藤先生はどんなことを言ったでしょうか。会話を作ってください。



m) 世の中には、あらゆる障害を乗り越えて活躍している人たちがいます。例えば、「夢をあきらめない」で取り上げられた人たちを見てみましょう。

池田樹生さん https://www.tjf.or.jp/clicknippon/ja/mywayyourway/05/post-12.php

秋山里奈さん https://www.tjf.or.jp/clicknippon/ja/mywayyourway/05/post-11.php


☆関連リンク Resilience Sites2See NSW(英文のみ)



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