
Studying at McDonald's

There isn't really any space to study where I'm boarding, so I often study at the McDonald's or a coffee shop nearby. The only subjects I study on my own are music and English.
In music, I'm learning the basics, such as the rules of musical notation. In English, rather than simply study to improve my grades, my goal is to be able to actually speak the language. I'm hoping that in the future I can meet people from various countries and cultures, play my music for them, and talk with them. To be able to do that, I have to get a proper handle on English so I can communicate with as many kinds of people as possible.
When I study English I really see how the more you just do it the more you improve. If you don't do it you just get nowhere. I try to keep that in mind and stay relaxed as I study. Although I sometimes get impatient and hasty, mostly I tell myself that if I just keep plugging away at it, I'm bound to gradually get better.


飲食店 Restaurants
芸術教育 Arts
外国語・英語教育 Foreign languages/English      

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