
My island : Izenajima

[Top] The view from the lookout on Mount Aga. The stars look really beautiful from here on a clear night. The island in the distance is Iheyajima, where my mother was born and raised.
[Center left] My favorite place: The beach near the Gitara lookout point.
[Center right] My favorite place: The roof of my grandfather's house. I love looking up at the night sky from here.
[Bottom left] The apartment house where we live.
[Bottom center] The ferry from Izenajima to the main island of Okinawa takes about an hour. It makes two round trips a day. It doesn't run during typhoons or heavy rain.
[Bottom right] My favorite landscape: Sunrise on the beach at Tashi. At dusk, too, I like watching the slow-fading twilight here.


伊是名島 Izenajima Island
伊平屋島 Iheyajima island

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