No. tjf_self3a02b
アクティビティ 2 : 家族の会話

作成日: 国: 著者 (著作権): テーマ:
2001/10 国際文化フォーラム

Presumed class profile
日本語学習レベル Japanese 2, 3, 4
学年/年令/初等・中等 Grade 10-12, Age 15-17, 中等教育
生徒数 10-20
使用教科書 n/a
学習済の日本語 Must be able to read hiragana, katakana, and beginner kanji, have some familiarity with the terms for members of the family. (This activity makes use of previously learned sentence patterns and vocabulary, through content-based language usage, to encourage familiarity with and mastery of new sentence patterns and vocabulary related to the content.)
その他 Students should already have completed "Family," Activity 1. For the conversation practice included in the latter part of this activity, beginning students may speak in English. The object is to have students imagine and express the kinds of things Sakai Michi talks about with her own family and with her host family.

機能 文型 語彙/語句
Observation of a situation; explanation of what is observed###Enjoying the family circle (E.g.: Michi's discussion of life in Hokkaido.)###Talking with host family (E.g.: Michi's talk about taking care of cows.) 《どう》
・りょうのしょくじは どう?
Incorporate into the lesson as needed.
対象 プロセス 目的
Conversation among family members (Practices, perspectives) Observation and discovery, examination To observe the activities and feelings of Sakai Michi and her family and observe their background.

種類 モード 聞く・話す/読み・書き 活動単位
Narrative and description インタープリティブ(解釈的), プレゼンテーショナル(提示的) 話す聞く 小グループ

「であい」写真シートとの関連 「であい」ブックレットとの関連 その他の素材
SM-P09, SM-P04 Captions for the above photographs.###"How Others See Michi" from Sakai Michi's "My Story" (Deai text booklet p. 136) Worksheet #2 (Model Conversation)

1コマの時間 40 minutes (Second in unit of four classes)