Recycling Waste

The Law for Promotion of Effective Use of Resources, better known as the Recycle Law, went into effect in April 2001. This new law is a revision of the Law for Promotion of Utilization of Recyclable Resources, and holds manufacturers responsible for reducing waste, reusing parts, and making their products recyclable. The law also requires consumers to pay for the disposal of certain kinds of electrical appliances, and local governments to collect and separate garbage and waste.

Consumers have already been separating their waste into burnables and non-burnables. Now, under the new law, they must also separate out such things as cans, bottles, Styrofoam, and milk cartons to be recycled. They must also pay a fee, usually between 2,000 and 3,000 yen, to have used air conditioners and refrigerators picked up and disposed of by the retailer from who they originally bought the appliance.

Reference:CERI News, No. 33, 2001. Chemicals Evaluation and Research institute, Japan

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