Some 53.7 million newspapers are published every day in Japan. If morning and evening editions are counted separately, the number soars to 72.2 million, the largest number in the world. In Japan, roughly 93.5% of this number is delivered to individual homes. The remainder is sold at train station kiosks, convenience stores, and other shops.
Japan's newspapers can be broadly divided into general news papers, industry-specific newspapers, and sports tabloids. Tabloids focus on sports and entertainment news, and the general papers on politics, economics, sports and society. General newspapers can be further classified into national and regional papers. The latter include prefectural papers as well as local newspapers. While local newspapers cover some national news, their focus is on local news, and they are generally only distributed within a specific locality. The national newspapers, which include the Asahi, Yomiuri, Sankei, and Mainichi, vary slightly in content to the region in which they are distributed.
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