Participants / Impression / Tokyo

Xiaoyuan▲ Profile


We had lots of disagreements, maybe because of the cultural differences between China and Japan. When our views clashed, we listened to what the Japanese girls had to say, and if we were convinced by their explanation, we would follow their ideas. When we weren’t satisfied, we tried to persuade them to try our way.

The process of creating a project was exhausting! But even more than that, it was fun! The most interesting part was choosing the photos. Selecting just 25 from the many photos we had was a really hard task. We often had differences in opinion. Once, Midoring and I disagreed with Xiajun and Yabi-chan over photos of the same subject with slightly different backgrounds. We had a fierce argument that seemed to last forever, but neither pair relented. Finally, we asked several TJF staff members who didn’t know the details of our discussion to choose a photo objectively. They chose the one Midoring and I had been pushing for! I was so happy, I clapped.

My Photo▲ Top

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