伊是名島の浜で三線を弾いているところです。静かな浜に1人でいると、曲のイメージがうかんできます。中学3年生のときに音楽の宿題でつくった『My Friends』という曲が、自分で作詞・作曲した初めての曲です。卒業間近だったので、「ぼくたちは永遠に友だちだよ」という思いをこめてつくりました。卒業式では、みんなでこの曲を合唱しました。初めての曲づくりでは、「どうすれば人を感動させられるか」「どうすれば詞と曲を違和感なくうまく調和させられるか」ということを考えました。
Here I am playing the sanshin on an Izenajima beach. Ideas for songs come to me when I'm alone on a quiet beach. The first song for which I ever wrote both words and music was one called "My Friends." I did it as a homework assignment for music class in my third year of junior high. We were about to graduate at the time, so I wrote the song to express my hope that my friends and I would always be friends. We sang the song together at the graduation ceremony. On that first attempt at songwriting, I thought a lot about how to write a song that has emotional impact and how to coordinate the lyrics and the music smoothly.
I like music that stems from the long-standing traditions of a particular place, because it directly expresses things that lie in the innermost hearts of the people who live there. For example, I like Latin rhythms, classical Chinese music, the church music of medieval Europe, and the wild sounds and rhythms of drums.