
My schoolmates

[Top] Hayato and I are in the same class and the same school club. He plays the sanshin really well and he's seriously into music. In that respect, I think we've got the kind of friendship where we can push each other to improve. Sometimes the way he talks is a bit overbearing, but actually he's a caring, gentle, and considerate person. With Hayato I can say exactly what's on my mind. Although that means we clash from time to time, I think that's precisely why we've been able to become such close friends. He's been through a lot in his life, so he gives me good advice when I'm anguishing over something. When I'm in the wrong he gives me the bawling-out that I deserve. I like that about him. There was a time when I wanted to quit school, and having Hayato around is probably the reason I've been able to stick it out.
[Bottom left] Koshin is also in the same class and school club. He's from Izenajima, too, and we've known each other since we were little, but it wasn't until high school that we got to be close friends. He has a great feel for performing that I could never match, especially in Okinawan drama. When it comes to making an audience laugh, he's tops.
[Bottom right] Kota's in the year below me and is also in the same school club. He's been doing Okinawan dance since he was little and he's really good at it. He's kind of boyish in some ways, but that's part of his endearing qualities. In the past when I would offer advice about performing he used to reject it, but now he listens. He's kind of like a little brother to me.


琉球舞踊 Ryukyu dance
三線 Sanshin
沖縄芝居 Okinawa Shibai
伊是名島 Izenajima Island

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