
Talking with friends in the courtyard
 今日は、SAT(the Scholastic Aptitude Tests)のぶ厚い問題集を持ってきた子がいたので、受験の話になりました。情報交換していると、別の友だちが来て、話題が変わりました。友だちが通りすぎるたびに手を振ったり、違う話題になったりして落ちつかないけれど、とても楽しい時間です。

If I sit down in the cafeteria or the courtyard outside, friends just naturally begin to gather. Getting together to talk with friends during free hours or after classes are over for the day is what I enjoy the most.
Today one friend brought a big, thick book about the SATs (the Scholastic Aptitude Tests you have to take to get into U.S. colleges), and we started talking about the university entrance exams. We were in the midst of exchanging information about that when another friend came along and the topic got changed. With every friend who passes by, we wave at them and the subject we're talking about shifts. It's kind of crazy, but I love it.


学校施設 School facilities
予備校・塾 Preparatory schools/juku
SAT SAT Scholastic Assessment Test      

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