No. tjf_self3a02
Activity 2: Family Conversation
Date: Country: Author(copyright): Themes:
2001/10 Japan The Japan Forum Self, Family, and Friends
While looking at the photographs of Sakai Michi with her family, students imagine the conversation and construct it in Japanese. Students imagine what Michi and her family members are saying and doing and the feelings and emotions behind them.

From the Deai photo sheets:
SM-P09 SM-P04    

From the Deai text booklet:

Captions for the above photographs.
“How Others See Michi” from Sakai Michi’s “My Story” (Deai text booklet p. 136)

Worksheets and other materials:
Note 3 (Model Conversation)

Showing the students the photographs SM-P09, SM-P04 (Center), and SM-P04 (Bottom), the teacher helps students to imagine the conversation between Michi and her own parents as they eat pizza, and with the conversation with her host family.

ここはどこですか。 Where is this photograph taken?
だれがいますか。 Who is in the photograph?
何がありますか。 What is in the room?
いつですか。 When is this?
どんな話をしているでしょう。 What do you think they are talking about?

CD-ROM 2 can be used for gaining feeling of Michi’s family.

(For advanced students) Distribute the Model Conversation Note 3. After having students read through it, ask them what other kinds of things they might have talked about. Divide the students into groups of three, let them choose the photograph they like from these three, and referring to the photograph captions (English), and the "Michi-tte donna hito?"/How Others See Michi, have the students divide up the task of creating and presenting a conversation to the class.

Try changing the scene or the participants of the conversation. Make a conversation between Michi and her younger/older sister, between Michi and her grandfather/grandmother, and so forth.

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