No. tjf_food1a02
Eating Habits in Our Daily Lives
Activity 2: Let’s Compare Eating Habits
Date: Country: Author(copyright): Themes:
2001/10 Japan The Japan Forum Food
A Day in the Life
Using observations from Activity #1, students compare Yu’s eating habits and their own and express their findings in Japanese.

From the Deai photo sheets:

MY-D02 MY-D11 MY-D17 MY-P09

From the Deai CD-ROM 1 (other photos):

MY021 MY022 MY023 MY063
Worksheets and other materials:
Worksheet #2

Distribute Worksheet #2 to each student.

Students note in Japanese what they observe about Yu’s eating habits (what she eats for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, etc.) in column 1 in the table of Task #1, Worksheet #2. If there are two different menus for the same meal category, split them into Day 1 and Day 2.

ゆうさんは、〔あさごはん/ひるごはん/ばんごはん〕に 何をたべますか。1のコラムに日本語で書いてください。

Students think about their own eating habits, and note in Japanese examples of what they typically eat for each meal in column 2.

あなたの食生活はどうですか。〔あさごはん/ひるごはん/ばんごはん〕に よく何をたべますか。2のコラムに日本語で書いてください。

Students use the table in Task #1 to complete Task #2.


As Task #3, students think about distinctive characteristics of their own and Yu’s eating habits, and factors that may affect those characteristics.


(1) Task #3 is based on the assumption that not just the names of foods being compared, but eating habits in general (such as healthy eating habits, watching one’s calorie intake, etc.), will be discussed.

(2) Encourage the students to think about the diversity among themselves while they talk about Yu’s eating habits as a way of reminding them that Yu may not be representative of all Japanese.

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