
Reading a hand-out while listening to the explanation

Here I am looking over the hand-out the teacher gave us. I always take classroom work seriously.
The class I like the most is Japanese class. When a story or essay in our textbook happens to catch my interest, I like to go and buy the original book from which it was excerpted. But what I find really interesting is biology class. English and math are my weak subjects.
Since I want to go to a university that offers a course in veterinary medicine, I have to be thoroughly familiar with five different exam subjects: Japanese, math, science, English, and social studies. When I get into second year, while I have to take these five subjects, I also want to take the elective course in food product manufacture. It sounds like we can enjoy some good things because the students in the class actually make butter, yogurt, and other food products.


普通科、専門学科、総合学科高校 futsu-ka (general education program), senmon gakka (specialized or vocational progams), sogo gakka (integrated programs)
教科書 textbooks
国語教育 Japanese language and literature
地理歴史教育 Geography and history
数学教育 mathematics
理科教育 Science
外国語・英語教育 Foreign languages/English      

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