No. kr_self1a08
Activity 8:
Critical Thinking about Japanese Families
Date: Country: Author (copyright) :  Themes:
2002/3 US 高橋恵、清塚千穂、久保田竜子
Takahashi Megumi, Kiyozuka Chiho, Kubota Ryuko
Chapel Hill High School
Self, Family and Friends
The students will deepen insight about Japanese family as a cultural summary of the unit, by analyzing both traditional and modern Japanese families by using Bloom's Taxonomy.

From the Deai photo sheets:
MY-P06 MY-P07 MY-P08 OK-P08 OK-P09
SM-P09 TS-P08 TS-P09 TS-P10 YK-P06
YK-P07 YT-P09 YT-P11 YY-P08 YY-P09

Worksheets and other materials:
- Worksheet #7 : Cubing Antivity Sheet
- Five sheets of large paper

Deai Families (20 min.)
- Each group will receive a set of Deai family panels.
- A group will examine each role of the family members and decide whether the family is rather traditional or modern. Explain why.
- Share what have found to the class.

Introduction to Cubing Activity (5 min.)
- The teacher will explain that the cubing activity is a tool to help the students think about Japanese family deeply.
- The teacher will explain each box by showing examples. [Worksheet #7]

Cubing Activity (35 min.)
- The students will be assigned five groups of five. Each of the groups will choose either traditional or modern Japanese families to do the activity about.
- The groups will draw large cubes on large sheets of paper, and fill out each square.
- Share the results to the class.

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